History of the Seoul Club

The original charter
of Seoul Rotary Club from 1927. The name of Seoul Rotary
Club during the Japanese colonial period was the Keijo
Rotary Club. Keijo is pronounced Kyungsung in Korean,
and was the Japanese name for Seoul during the colonial
period. The Rotary Club number 2703 under Rotary
International is still valid today, making Seoul Rotary
Club the first and oldest Rotary Club in Korea. You will
note that the charter was canceled in 1941 by Rotary
International due to the World War II, until it was
reinstated in 1949 under the new name of Seoul Rotary

This is a Seoul
newspaper article written during the Korean War
detailing the continuing meetings held by the Seoul
Rotary Club in Busan. When North Korean invaded Seoul,
many of Seoul’s citizens fled to Busan, including most
members of the Seoul Rotary Club. It was also during
this time that the Seoul Rotary Club members helped to
launch the Busan Rotary Club. Note the picture of Dr.
M.M. Lee, who is the father of Rotarian Kyung.

Keijo, 1928 charter Dinner
This is the picture of Rotary Club
members at the 6th Annual Rotary District 375 Conference
held in Seoul on October 1966. Many members of the Seoul
Rotary Club were in attendance at the meeting.

was the Rotary International Asia Regional Conference
held in 1979. This was the very first official
international conference of any type to be held in
Korea. While this picture illustrates another history
making event on the part of Rotary Clubs, it also
illustrates how truly recent and rapid Korea’s emergence
was onto the world stage. The International Olympics
were to be held in Korea only 9 years later

The International Convention of Rotary
International was held in Korea in 1989, just one year
after the 1988 Olympics. The Rotary Clubs in Korea are
very active, and the holding of the International
Convention in Korea is recognition of the importance of
Korea for Rotary International.

2005 Event