History of Malaysian Clubs

History of Malaysian Clubs
In no particular order as more histories are received,
a chronological order will be created
The Rotary Club of Penang was the first Rotary Club to be organized in Malay Peninsula and Siam on 12th August 1929. (it was the first town visited by Davidson on his southerly journey down the Malay Peninsula.

At the Inauguration Dinner held at the E&O Hotel, Rtn Percy M. Robinson was installed the Charter President and Rtn. C.W.A. Sennett the Charter Secretary.

However, it was not until 8th October 1930 that we received the Charter and were admitted to Rotary International.

There were 71 chartered members – among whom were famous names such as - Lim Cheng Ean, Dr K Mohd Ariff, Dr J.W. Scharff, C.R. Samuel, Dr Lee Tiang Keng, F.H. Grumitt and Dr Ong Chong Keng to name a few Past Presidents.

During the Japanese Occupation 1942-46 the Club ceased functioning.

The Rotary Club of Penang was re-admitted into Rotary International on 23rd October 1946.

Penang was the venue of five Conferences and one Asia Zone Institute.

We were host to the First Asia Regional Conference in 1937-38.

The first District Conference to be held in Penang was in 1939 when Rtn. Charles R Samuel was District Governor.

It was a lapse of thirty years before two more District Conferences were held here at which time Rtn. Dr C H Yeang became District Governor in 1969; and four years later Rtn William Ng Jit Thye was elected District Governor in 1973.

It was again a lapse of twenty long years that Rtn. Herbert J Ho Jr was elected Governor in 1993 before we hosted another conference.

In 1994 Asia Zone 4 Institute hosted by District 3300, was held in Penang on December 8-10 with resounding success.

Comprising some 12 countries in Asia with diverse cultures, languages, historical background and different economic developments levels had made Asia Zone 4 a most unique, vibrant and exciting one in the Rotary World.

(Note: Asia Zone 4 was rezoned soon after this Institute).

In 1995 another District Conference – the fourth, was held when Rtn Dr Santokh Singh was elected Governor.

The Rotary Club of Penang has had the honour of sponsoring several Rotary, Rotaract and Interact clubs.

The five Rotary clubs it sponsored are Rotary Clubs of Kota Bahru (1954); Bukit Mertajam (since renamed Butterworth (1959); Bagan Baru (since renamed Georgetown (1983); Tanjung Bungah (1988) and Seberang Jaya (1994).

The Interact clubs sponsored are Interact Clubs of Chung Ling High School, Methodist Girls School, Technical Institute, Penang Free School, Sri Pinang, Sek. Abdullah Munshi, Westlands and Han Chiang High School.

The only Rotaract club sponsored by the Club is the Rotaract Club of Georgetown (Penang).

Our community and service projects over the past 75 years are too numerous to detail.
Our legacy of major ongoing projects have been supplied under “Ongoing Projects” in our website.

The club continues to address local, national and international service needs incessantly, either using our own resources or joining up with other clubs and agencies to render the needed services.

In the Club’s archives are two publications, namely the 60th Anniversary Year Book and the 70th Anniversary Year Book that records our historical events, activities and achievements over the last 70 years of service.

These invaluable publications will inspire our members to greater heights of service achievements in this Second Century of Rotary Service.


The Rotary Club of Teluk Intan was chartered on 11 August 1952 as the Rotary Club of Teluk Anson, Federation of Malaya, under Rotary International District 46.

There were 25 charter members and the Charter President was Dr. Ibrahim bin Haji Mohd. Yassin, a dental officer with the Infant Welfare Centre, Teluk Anson.

The club meetings were held at 1pm on Tuesdays, at the local Rest House.

On the 3rd Tuesday of every month, there was a Dinner meeting at 8pm. The admission fee was M$20 and the annual membership fee was M$48.

The Sponsor Club was the Rotary Club of Ipoh and the District Governor’s Special Representative was its President Leong Min On.

The District Governor at that time was Khoo Teik Ee.

In 1952, Teluk Anson, as the town was then called, had a population of 22,961.

The Rotary Club was first organized on 4 March 1952. The club president applied for membership in Rotary International on 20 May 1952 and, in his recommendation to Rotary International on 7 June 1952, the then District Governor of R.I. District 46, Eusoff, wrote:

The prospect of a Rotary Club was examined as early as 1951 during the Presidentship of H. Wakefiled of the Rotary Club of Ipoh. An extension survey was carried out by President Leong Min On; he was assisted by H. Haines a Past District Governor (in China) now a member of the Rotary Club of Ipoh.

The inaugural meeting was attended by seven members of the Ipoh Club. I visited this Provisional (Club) on two occasions --- on the last one, I conducted a Club Forum.
Teluk Anson is the Chief Port for the State of Perak and in a very important rubber planting it is about 70 miles from Ipoh. {sic}

Charter Members
Names Classifications.
1. Bennett, James Percy Medical Service – Hospital
2. Cheong Pak KeenWood Industry – Lumber Manufacturing
3. Chin, Kenneth H. Medicine – Physician, General Practice
4. Hassan bin Hussain - Law – Judiciary
5. Hill–Willis, Christopher Hayne - Harbour and Lighthouse Service
6. Ho Eng Hai - Medicine – Dental Surgery
7. Ibrahim bin Haji Mohd. Yassin - Dental Officer
8. Morse, Ronald Geoffrey - Food Industry – Rice Milling
9. Morton, Reginald John - Rubber Industry –Crude Rubber Processing
10. Nadarajah, S. - Animal Husbandry – Veterinary Medicine
11. Neubronner, D. W. - Engineering – Marine Engineering
12. Ng Kok Gnow - Recreation – Ball Room
13. Ong Teik Sim - Electrical Industry –Electrical Equip. &Supplies
14. Ooi Beng Thuan - Beverages – Alcoholic
15. Oon Seng Teong - Rubber Industry – Crude Rubber
16. Pyper, Hugh Richard - Light and Power Service
17. Raja Ratnam, A.S. - Government Public Revenue Service
18. Rajaratnam, Kathirithamby - Hospital Services
19. Scholfield, Henry Charles Anthony - General Merchandise – Ex- & Importing
20. Smith, Stanley George - Horticulture – Rubber Growing
21. Snead, Paul Kindig - Religion – Christianity, Protestantism
22. Tan Seng Teong - Wood Industry – Forest Engineering
23. Tennent, Hugh John - Engineering –Drainage & Irrigation
24. Wade, R.H.D. - Finance – Banking
25. Wong Toon Chew - Construction Service – Architecture

Office Bearers:
President: Ibrahim bin Haji Mohd. Yassin
Vice-President: Pyper, Hugh Richard.
Secretary: John Tennent.
Treasurer: Raja Ratnam. A.S.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Wade, R.H.D

Chin, Dr. Kenneth H.
Bennett, Dr. James Percy.
Ho Eng Hai.

Acknowledgements to the Clubs, Members and Webmasters posted by RGHF Webmaster Greg Barlow November 2008

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