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Prepared by the district and not verified by Rotary Global History

Rotary District 3850 - The Philippines

See clubs below

1905 The first Rotary Club in the world was organized by Paul P. Harris and his friends in Chicago , Illinois , USA (23 February)
1916 The district concept of Rotary was established by RI Pres. Arch C. Klumph
1919 The Rotary Club of Manila, the first Rotary Club in Asia and in the Philippines , was chartered (1 June)
1933 The Rotary Club of Iloilo was chartered (27 April), the third Rotary Club established in the Philippines after the Rotary Club of Cebu
1936 District 81 was created by RI, comprised of the 22 Clubs in China , Hongkong and the 3 Clubs in the Philippines
1937 District 81 was changed to District 96; Rotary Club of Bacolod was chartered (16 June) as the 4th Club in the Philippines
1938 District 81 was created for the five Rotary Clubs in the Philippines , with George A. Malcolm ( Manila ) appointed as the 1 st District Governor
1948-1949 Benjamin Gaston ( Bacolod ) served as District Governor, the 2 nd non-Manila Rotarian to serve in the position
1950 Philippine District number was changed from District 81 to District 48, composed of 21 Rotary Clubs
1957 Philippines became District 385 effective 1 July, composed of 35 Rotary Clubs
1964 Growth of Rotary in the Philippines led to the redistricting of District 385, creating District 380 for Luzon and Palawan (27 Clubs) and District 385 for Visayas and Mindanao (25 Clubs), with MAT Caparas ( Caloocan ) and Leonardo Gallardo ( Bacolod ) serving as Governors, respectively
1974 RI approved the redistricting of District 385, with Western Visayas and Western and Central Mindanao remaining in District 385 (30 Clubs) and Eastern Visayas and Eastern Mindanao forming the new District 386 (22 Clubs)
1984 The redistricting of District 385 was approved after reaching 86 Clubs, with District 385 composed of Western Visayas and Western Mindanao ( Zamboanga provinces, Basilan , Sulu and Tawi-Tawi ), including Misamis Occidental; and District 387 composed of the provinces in Central Mindanao
1991 District 385 became District 3850

Books and other writing by Paul Harris




The Rotary Club of Boracay, District 3850

A Part of Our History of Rotary in the Philippines

Prepared by the district and not verified by Rotary Global History

Boracay is a tropical island located approximately 315km (200 miles) south of Manila.


The birth of RC Boracay on July 2, 1997 brought with it a promise of great things to come for the island. After all, the club members are professional men and women who work as volunteers to improve the  quality of life in their home and world community. The group is one of more than 29,000 Rotary clubs in more than 160 countries. Rotary is an  organization of some 1.2 million business and  professional men and women that provides humanitarian service and helps further international goodwill and peace. The Rotary motto is "Service Above Self."  RC Boracay covers the whole of Boracay Island, known worldwide as having one of the best beaches in the world, and the nearby municipalities of  Nabas, Malay and Buruanga.

Historically, RC Boracay is a fruition of the initiative of then ADG Niovady "Vady" Marin of the Rotary Club of Kalibo and under then DG Oca Nava.  The vision then was for Rotary to be  represented in one of the most visited places in the Philippines.  RC Boracay was chartered with the support and guidance of RC Kalibo.

The club began its adventure into the world of  Rotary with 25 members representing an ample cross-section of the island's populace.  Led by its Charter President Francis "Anchi" Tayengco, RC Boracay, in addition to community service and  fellowship, focused its attention on environmental protection.


acknowledgements to the Club Committee and members. Posted by RGHF Webmaster, Greg Barlow. 25 August 2008



R.I.District 3850

Kalibo Aklan, Philippines


Through the initiative of Gov. Vicente “Tito” Lozada, District Governor, R.I. District 3850, and the determined efforts of the officers and members of the Rotary Club of Roxas City led by its President, Arturo “Turing” Villanueva, after a comprehensive survey of the business and professionals sectors of Kalibo, Aklan, the provisional Rotary Club of Kalibo was born. In October 1966, the first set of officers elected were: Dr. Francisco “Paco” Mayor-President; Briones-Treasurer; Basilio “Bas” Ambito-Sgt. At Arms; Amador “Mador” Barrios, Atty. Rustico “Tico” Quimpo, Pepito “Peping” Magalit and Clodualdo “Masing” Amigo-Directors. Other charter members were Juan Acevedo, Valentin Aguilar, Arturo R. Andrada, Julian Raz Belo, Jr., Modesto B. Buenaflor, Leovigildo M. Diapo, Jr., Dy Lian Seng, Engr. Samuel Fadullon, Vicente Fuentes, Dr. Federico O. Icamina, Mariano Lao, Atty. Hernan Laserna, Dr. Ramon Legaspi, Nicolas L. Prado, Lim Chong Kim, Rafael C. Peralta and Dionisio Vega.


After the election of the Charter Officers and while waiting for its Charter, the provisional Rotary Club of Kalibo held regularly weekly meeting to familiarize the charter members of their duties and responsibilities as new Rotarians. Eventually, on May 6, 1967, the charter of the Rotary Club of Kalibo was issued by Rotary International, thus, making the club one of its official members. On July 22, 1967, the Charter was officially presented to the Charter President, Dr. Francisco “Paco” Mayor by then District Governor Leon “Leonie” Garcia. Last May 6, 2008, Rotary Club of Kalibo celebrated its 40th charter anniversary.


During the forty (40) years of its existence, the Rotary Club of Kalibo has served not only the people of Aklan but other parts of the globe in varied ways through its several international, community and vocational service projects. It has always strove to respond and served whenever and wherever there is a need for its services, especially involving the less fortunate segments of society. In short, through the years, the Rotary Club of Kalibo, R.I. District 3850 has upheld the object of Rotary.


In the first decade of its existence, several community projects were undertaken by the club for the benefit of the people of Aklan. Some of these significant projects were the rehabilitation of the comfort rooms of Kalibo Pilot Elementary School, the waiting shed at the junction of Osmena and Quezon Avenues, Kalibo, Aklan; traffic island along Roxas Avenue; Banga Welcome Rotonda.  The club donated cement and other materials in the concreting of some municipal streets in Kalibo. It extended financial and other material assistance to typhoon victims in November, 1969 the victims of Kalibo shopping center in January 1973 and flood victims in December, 1973. These projects were undertaken during the term of Past Presidents Paco Mayor, Virgil Garcia, Charlie Aldecoa, Masing Amigo, Sonny Fadullon, Tony Tabang, Peping Magalit, Vincent Fuentes and Robert Mijares.


During the second decade of its existence, the Rotary Club of Kalibo, through the efforts of Mr. Roberto Nakaya, donated a fire truck to the Municipality of Kalibo; 82,000 volumes of books through the efforts of Rotary Club of El Sobrante, California, our first foreign matched club, were donated to the Municipal Library of Kalibo and different schools in the Province of Aklan; the club started to participate in International projects by hosting Group Study exchange Teams, hosting and sending Rotary Scholars; contributing to the Rotary Foundation and making its first Paul Harris Fellow, PP Vincent Fuentes. The also started to sponsor local and foreign medical missions in the province of Aklan. One such medical was published in the Rotarian. The club also started the yearly “Handog Pamasko”, the giving of food items to the less fortunate during Christmas. Tha Rotary Club of Kalibo Scholarship Foundation was also organized in 1984. These projects were made possible during the term of Past Presidents Bert Cheng, Pepe Macahilig, Art Carpio, Don Mabasa, Resty Robillo, Vady Marin, Sim Arce, Gene Triste, Jr., Jobski Parohinog and Bado Regalado.


The third decade of the club’s existence, significant projects undertaken were the installation of lighting facilities at Shopping Center, Gomburza Plaza, Archbishop Reyes St., as well as the construction of traffic island and beautification of Archbishop Reyes Street. The club then continued the sponsorship of the local and foreign medical missions. Rotary Club of El Sobrante California through the efforts of Past President Tino Ibabao co- sponsored medical missions for three consecutive years. Several yearly projects initiated during during the second decade, e.g. the Handog Pamasko, Group study exchange, and Rotary exchange Scholars. Several Rotary exchange scholars were sent by the club to study abroad. To name a few some of them were. Dr. Ramil Balbastro, Renan Balbastrto, Dr. Dem Tirol, Michael Robillo and the most recent was Marma Alcedo. The club also financed and sent to the United States Group study exchange scholars. The scholars sent were Atty. Nolly Sodusta, Engr. Roger Esto, Dr. Venturanza, Rtn. Bing Santamaria. These were made possible through the efforts of Past President Mods Abriam, Monit Balbastro, Lino Diapo, Rufing Barrios, Manny Yap, Vic Nabiong, Nick Rebesencio, Edmund Peralta and Dave Estrella.


The start of the fourth decade of the existence of the Rotary Club of Kalibo marked the start of the construction of the Rotary Club of Kalibo Livelihood and Training Center after the site was donated by PP Vady Marin and Ann Nilda Marin. The construction was started by PP Tang Diangson and continued by PPs Ben Magnabijon, Nonoy Macahilig and Berting Nakaya. Following the exit of the medical mission of the Philippine Medical Society of Northern California, the club started to sponsor the “Operation Taghoy” wherein the ground work was started during the term of PP Nonoy Macahilig and the implementation started during the term of PP Berting Nakaya up to the term of incoming president Gus Solmirano. Uplift International led by Dr. Jamie Yrastorza of the Rotary Club of White Ridge Colorado is the principal sponsor of the project that conducts surgical operations on patients with facial deformities, providing them with hope and smile for the rest of their lives. “Operation Taghoy”, during the term of PP Vic Santamaria was awarded as the Most Outstanding Centennial Project District 3850 during the Centennial Year Rotary. Other significant projects during the period were the construction of Children’s Playground at Pastrana Park during the term of PP Raphy Tayco; the Masing Amigo Mini- Memorial Park at Tambak, New Washington and Rotary Welcome sign at the Kalibo Airport during the term of PP berting Nakaya And PP Botoy Villorente as well as the Water Management Projects in Tangalan, Makato, Kalibo and New Washington during the term of President Panski Rebuelta through the efforts of PP Nolly Sodusta and the (3) Rotary Club in South Korea.


For Rotary years 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 during the respective terms of PP Gus Solmirano and More Morrier the club has garnered the most number of awards in District 3850. No less than ten (10) club and individual awards were received by the club every Rotary year. Significant among the several awards is the Outstanding Rotary Club for the last three consecutive Rotary years. The most significant project for Rotary Year 2006-2007 consist of donation of day care facilities and materials to three (3) Barangay Day Care Centers in Aklan with a total cost of P250,000.00. For Rotary year 2007-2008, the flagship projects were the construction of a modular library with reference books in Aklan National High School of Arts and Trade (ANHSAT) through the Mabey Foundation and the Rotary Foundation matching grant of P716, 566.00 for the purchase of workshop equipment and laboratory facilities in ANHSAT, Andagao, Kalibo, Aklan.


To date, the club has already produced eighteen (18) Paul Harris Fellows and 44 Paul Harris sustaining members with combined total contribution P25, 000.00 plus U.S dollars.


With the foregoing significant projects as well as several other worthy projects not mentioned that merited several awards from Rotary International District 3850, the Rotary Club of Kalibo stands proud and views the future with confidence and determination to fulfill its mission.


PP Vady Marin, Club Historian.

Provided by RGHF honorary member Megs Lunn




{Posted by: PP Melrose “MEGS’ S. Lunn, RGHF Member}

The Rotary Club of Roxas started with a letter from District Governor Patrick Pineda of District 385 and Ted Oliva, then incumbent manager of PNB Roxas branch on October 8, 1962. Despite the prevailing attitude that no service club could last long in Roxas City, Ted Oliva campaigned for the formation of a Rotary Club in Roxas.  He was unanimously elected temporary chairman by sixteen prospective members, all civic-spirited professionals and businessman, at a meeting held at Ave. Hotel Extension. On October 4, 1963, Gov. Ponching Obosa visited the RC of Iloilo and the formation of the Rotary Club of Roxas was discussed.  Because of the important commitments, Ted could not attend and he encouraged Sid Javier to take his place.  GGR Nene Salazar, Pres. Paking Dela Cruz, and some other Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Iloilo came to visit and give enlightening talks about Rotary. On October 17, 1963 the members approved the Constitution and By-Laws of the club in the presence of Paking Dela Cruz, etc. from RC of Iloilo. The first set of officers was elected that same day. The provisionary period of RC of Roxas existed for over a year. The membership gained a stronger image because only those who could maintain the attendance requirement remained with the club.

Our application for membership to Rotary International was approved on December 11, 1964. Gov. Dadong Gallardo presented the Charter on March 6, 1965. The Rotary Club of Roxas became the 26th member club of RI District 385, thru comprising the whole of Visayas and Mindanao. Thirty four enthusiastic Rotarians were inducted as charter members. The occasion was witnessed by eight past District Governors throughout the country and almost all of the Rotarians and Anns from the sponsoring club of Iloilo. The glittering and memorable event was held at the roof garden of the DBP Roxas Branch building.

In the succeeding years, Rotary education played an important factor in the functions of club membership, attendance to inter city forums, district conferences, and assemblies. In answer to R.I.’s policy of sharing Rotary with others, the Rotary Club of Roxas organized and sponsored the Rotary Club of Kalibo in 1967.

In 1971, the RC of Roxas ceded part of its territorial to facilitate the organization of other Rotary Clubs in Roxas City. The Rotary Club of Hillside was authorized to be formed during the term of PP Tony Ortiz, RY 1977-78. It was PP Tony who received the money from the RC of Odoyoko for the world community service project health education center, now our Rotary Center. It was competed during the term of PP Henry. This was followed by the organization and sponsorship of two more clubs – the Rotary Club of Pontevedra in 1980 and the Rotary Club of Metro Roxas in 1981.

In the span of eighteen years, our club membership rose gradually but steadily, from 34 to our present membership of 55 strong Rotarians at the start of Rotary year 1982-1983 under the able leadership of Reubin Yap, our 19th president.

Among the more notable and lasting projects of our club are the construction of the waiting shed in front of the Roxas Memorial Hospital in 1968 the Out-patient Annex of Anti-TB Pavillion in 1970, the Four-Way Test permanent marker in front of CPC in 1971, Rotary Health and Education Center at the Capiz High School grounds in 1978 and the construction of Barangay Libas Health Center in 1981. In the 1980s the club was every active in helping in implementing Polio Plus program of Rotary International in Province of Capiz and in the City of Roxas. In the 1980s and 1990s the Club organizes career information drives in the different High School in the city. In the 1990s, the Rotary Club of Roxas during the Presidency of Fred Molino was a recipient of a one million peso {1M} grant given by Atty. Enrique Belo and Bert Bravo. The income was to be use for the club actives and it is still available in a trust fund controlled by the club. In appreciation for his donation Atty. Enrique Belo was given a testimonial on 2004 to show our appreciation. This fund help the club in it projects like the giving of books and medical equipments to the province, yearly circumcision which started in late 1990s, surgical mission and yearly gift giving to the orphanage at Brgy Lonoy, Roxas City and old folks home at Brgy Banica, Roxas City.

For the last many years, the RC of Roxas has been including in its budget appropriation for scholarships of at least 6 deserving local students.  A health education program has been one of the preferable activities of the club since 1970.

In the International Service, the RC of Roxas are hosting Rotary Exchange students from USA and Australia, Brazil and had sent abroad three Rotex from Roxas City. Twice, we also hosted some Rotary Foundation Group Study Exchange Scholars and Rotary Foundation. Our club has been recipient of various medical supplies and equipment from Japan, Canada, and the USA.

In the late 1990 the club members where getting old so the member went on a program of recruiting younger members. This resulted in many new ideas and projects. So, in the opening of 2000, there were lots of new projects already, from the young minds ideas and innovative strategies of the younger members.

In 2003, the club started adopting the idea of the boys and girls week. This yearly event which enables fourth year high school students of city schools to become the elected city officials and department heads for a week. This was meant for them to experience the running the government. From this activity 2 others sprung out. In 2005, the Rotaract was created. And the summer internship was started in 2008. The internship was a success that it has become an annual event. Rotaract members interned with different Rotarians in their work place. This experience enables them to be inspired in their career paths.

In 2004, the club started hosting the yearly Milo Marathon. This annual event has become a much awaited event, not only for the school children but also a growing number of families join in. The Rotary members who run with their families have encouraged families to run together in the fun run. Five years and still running… 

In the club’s all male status was change during its Ruby anniversary in 2004. Even the retired members gave in to the request. Maria Esperanza Abella Vito-Gepilano, once a Rotakid. So, she became the first female member. Now the female members are a growing lot and have been the most active in any club activities.

In 2005, the club accepted 2 female American Peace Corp volunteers. They organized and started the club’s Daigon contest. This Sinadya sa Halaran event, during Roxas City’s annual fiesta is the much awaited Christmas Carolling contest of classics and Hiligaynon songs. We thought we were washed out by the strong rains in 2008. It was so hard to dampen the spirits of children, we transferred to the conference room of the City Hall and as the saying goes, we broke a leg and the show went on.

In 2006, the club accepted 2 female American peace corp. They organized and started the club’s Daigon contest. This Sinadya sa Halaran event, during Roxas City’s annual fiesta is the much awaited Christmas Carolling contest of classics and Hiligaynon songs. 2008 we thought we were washed out by the strong rains. It was so hard to dampen the spirits of children, we transferred to the conference room of the City Hall and as the saying goes, we broke a leg and the show went on. The Rotary members noted a high school student from Our Lady of Grace Academy of Lanot who recently won the grand prize in the solo competition of the NAMCYA National level.…..

Moreover, in 2006 the club started recruiting younger members and in due time, the club  membership rose to 86% as it started to draw interest from the younger generations. Projects such as Mangrove reforestations were started as well as symposia on marine life preservations. Scuba diving became a coalescing factor which started to draw new members attention as well. This started the club's long term commitment to rehabilitating and helping sustain the lone island barangay of Roxas City. Thus, the flagship project P.I.S.O. (Project Island: Sustainable Olotayan) which is ongoing to this date.

These has garnered the attention of the District leadership, thus the club earned six major district awards during the Discon of 2007-08 including the most outstanding community projects award. To quote IPDG Emma Nava, "RC Roxas is like a phoenix rising from the ashes!".

Today, the club has seven active female members The club is continuously molding and re-modelling itself to fit the needs of the times. It has engaged itself with ensuring the health and welfare of children with joint projects with ABSCBN Sagip Kapamilya in Barangay Talon, Hemoglobin Screening and Supplementations to children in Olotayan and Talon, setting up of school clinics, Relief and rehabilitation Efforts to victims of typhoon Frank and recently, Typhoons Ondoy and Pepeng, Support to DOH campaign for Filariasis eradication thru conducting surgical missions for filariasis-related hydrocoele and recently with the provisions of MDA (mass drug administration) cards, literacy efforts through providing computers, setting up libraries, book donations, and advocacy against Tuberculosis in Children by being the public relations arm of the Provincial Health office. To this date, the club has successfully conducted Fun Run Against TB in Children, Poster making Contest among elementary school children, and will be providing educational pamphlets and billboard to the 16 municipalities of the province. Aside from being ally of the City government in particular, it has also become an active component of the Alay Lakad Foundation, Inc. For almost seven years, the club representative (PP Dante Corros) became the chairman of Alay Lakad Foundation, Roxas City Chapter; and recently, the club was chairman of the successful Alay Lakad Walk'09 which has solicited close to half a million donations for the needs of the out of school youth.

We are still a growing club in the ways of Rotary Fellowship and Service with the guidance of the Almighty.


PP Arturo “Arthur” Uvas

PP Mark Ortiz

PP Santiago “Sany” Abella

P.Pip Acepcion

Club Historians


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