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Seventy Five Years of Service |
Rotary in Australia, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands 1921-1996 | |||||
Paul Henningham’s book is an elegantly written story of fellowship,
unselfish dedication, achievement and plain goodness. It is highlighted
by biographies of Australia’s three Presidents and one President Elect
of Rotary International and by informative glimpses of many other
outstanding Australian Rotarians as they play their varying roles in the
Rotary story. The book will be an invaluable source of factual information for all who are interested in the story of Rotary International in our part of the world. For me, its outstanding quality is that, no doubt because of Paul Henningham’s own experiences as a distinguished serving Rotarian and past district governor, the spirit of Rotary shines through its pages. This page was compiled and provided by History Fellow, PDG John Louttit |
Front Cover | Preface | Index | Chapters 1 & 2 | ||
Chapters 3 & 4 | Chapters 5 & 6 | Chapters 7 & 8 | Chapters 9 & 10 | ||
Chapters 11 & 12 | Chapters 13 & 14 | Epilogue | Appendix 1 | ||
Appendix 2 | Appendix 3 | Bibliography | |||
(Extract from the Foreword by His Excellency the Governor General of the
Commonwealth of Australia, The Honourable Sir William Deane, AC KBE -
Sir William was a Rotary Foundation Scholar in 1954 and studied international law at Trinity College, Dublin) |
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