First Rotary Club of Each Country



Brief histories of the first clubs of each geographic region

Rotary Club of Nicosia, the First Club of Cyprus

Rotary International District 2450

See also Rotary Global History Day in Cyprus

Rotary Club of Nicosia, Cyprus


60 years of History of the NICOSIA ROTARY CLUB
The Rotary Club of Nicosia was founded by Governor Merton on June 30th, 1938, and it was the first Rotary Club to be founded in Cyprus.
The names of the founder-members give prestige and declare most profoundly the high integrity of the newly founded Club, judging from the participation of a most distinguished group of Nicosia citizens:-
The founder Members are:-
N. Disney, George Poulias, Theodoros Artemis, Sir M. Munir Bey, M. Fuad Bey, D.N. Dimitriou, E. Tibbitt, H. Lees, Lucien Lichtenstein, Dr. M. Raouf, Stelios Georgallides, J. Cullen, H. Jones, Stelios Pavlides, Sophocles Petrides, Costas Manglis, George Schiza and Demosthenis Severis (the grandfather of our P.P. Demosthenis).
The first President of the Club was Mr. Disney, Vice President was Mr. Fuad Bey and Secretary Mr. Theodoros Artemis. Other Members of the Board were: Sir Mehmet Munir, Mr. George Poulias and Mr. L. Lichtenstein.
The Club's roll of members included people of various nationalities and religions but with one and only one main idea "Service Above Self”. The English language was adopted for the weekly meetings of the Club. Nothing has changed for the last 60 years.
Our Club still continues to follow the same practice.
During the first 25 years, which obviously included the years of the Second World War, the Club's activities were rather limited to matters concerning community welfare. I can mention, however, that the Club, for quite a number of years, provided funds for the supply of shoes and clothing to poor children at Christmas and Bairam.
After the end of the War and in the year 1949 the Club sponsored the scholarship for a Cypriot to study abroad modern techniques of education for the Deaf and Dumb children. On his return, the Club founded the School for Deaf Children and continued to run it for the next three years until responsibility for the school was undertaken by the Government of Cyprus. Since that time, the Club has maintained close ties with the school and assisted in the rehabilitation of the young men and women leaving it.
The Club continued its activities by donating and contributing to the School for the Blind, the Children's Hospital Wards, the Kyperounda Sanatorium and the School for the Deaf. Regular features in the Club's community service activities were the provision of presents and entertainment for needy children, old people's homes, hospitals, etc.
An event worth mentioning here is the visit in 1954, for the first time in Cyprus, of the President of Rotary International Mr. Seratosa Simbil. A most warm reception was offered by our Club to him. Dr. Thasos Girgotis was at this time President of the Club.
With the Declaration of Independence in 1960 the Club's most important executed projects were:
(a) the construction of a physiotherapy wing for crippled children at the Nicosia General Hospital at a cost of £4000;
(b) the donation to the Government of Cyprus of a mobile Dental Unit for use in schools at a cost of £5000. This originality prompted the Government to acquire a number of mobile units to serve every school on the island;
(c) the organization of various campaigns, for example, Safety Week, Tree Planting, as the creation of a friendly forest near Larnaca in association with other Rotary Clubs, etc.
(d) since 1950, the Club has gradually ceded parts of its territory by sponsoring the formation of Rotary Clubs in Limassol, Larnaca, Famagusta and Kyrenia.
Our Club was again, for the second time, the host of the President of Rotary International, Mr. Roy Hickman and his wife, who visited Cyprus in 1972. P.D.G. Takis Karakannas was at this time President.
Another event worth mentioning was the efforts made by our Club towards the success of the negotiations for solving the Cyprus Problem. To that, two weekly meetings of our Club were organised, one at the Ledra Palace Hotel and the other at Serai Hotel with speakers the Negotiators at that time, Mr. Glafkos derides and Mr. Raouf Denktash. These two friendly Rotary Meetings were of paramount importance as it was expected that the negotiations were about to b.e concluded successfully.
Our Club was the initiator for the organisation, for the first time in Cyprus, of the wifes of the Rotarians - then named, Inner Wheel, and also organised the first Interact Club at the English School Nicosia.
After the brutal Turkish Invation in July 1974 the Club was obliged to abandon its meeting place, the Ledra Palace Hotel, and established itself at the Hilton Hotel. It is with great regret that I have to mention that most of the records of the Club were lost during those difficult times. It is anticipated that with the decision taken for the acquirement of Club's premises the problems which are being faced with the change each year of the Club's administration, will be solved.
In September 1974 a decision was taken, on the initiative of the Rotary Club of Nicosia by all the Rotary Clubs of Cyprus that the President of Nicosia Rotary Club, Rotarian P.P. Loukis Petrides and the Past District Governor, the late Costas Manglis, should visit the President of Rotary International in Evanston, Illinois, to plead for the Cyprus Refugees on humanitarian issues. As a result of that visit, a letter was addressed to all Rotary Clubs in the world stating the plight of the refugees. The response was not as huge as it was expected but $30.000 were collected, which were given to the Refugee Relief Fund.
Since the invasion, the Club has concentrated in helping the refugees by providing students with books and school equipment, a rotary saw was provided for the use in the workshop of the School for the Deaf, as well as sewing machines for refugees living in camps.
One of the most important and original projects, which was undertaken and completed by the Club, was the setting up of a donors' register and follow-up service at the Blood Transfusion Centre at the Nicosia General Hospital. The importance of this project was very much appreciated and it was taken over by the Government. It was considered most essential and now it runs very efficiently as a Blood Bank.
The Club, together with other Rotary Clubs, initiated the establishment of the "Cyprus Rotary Scholarships Foundation" which offers financial assistance enabling a number of Cypriot students to attend institutions for higher education abroad.
I would now like to mention some of the main activities of the Club during the last two decades.
The following examples give a good picture of the activities of the Club:
The donation of £10.000 to the Ayia Marina Old People's Home at Strovolos. A room was added to the existing premises and was named after our Club.

The induction of four ladies as members of our Club, a decision first implemented in Cyprus, even for the whole District 2450.

In order to develop international fellowship, our Club proceeded and successfully completed the twining with the Rotary Club of Thessaloniki and with the Rotary Club of Mania (Crete).
The Thalassaemia Project - To that, the Club sponsored the International Workshop on Thalassaemia, in as much as Cyprus is the leader in international committee for the fight against thalassaemia.
During the last two decades four Rotary Clubs were established sharing the territory of our Club, these being Ledra, Lefkothea, Aspelia and Salamina.
The last and most important project of our Club is the donation of £10.000 for the establishment of the Day Centre at Arodafnousa of the Anticancer Society of Cyprus, where cancer patients, in a fairly good state of health, can gather and socialise.
Our current project is the building of a playroom at the Makarios hospital in Nicosia and furnishing it accordingly so that ill children will be able to play and enjoy themselves. This is budgeted for £15.000
Generally speaking, every year the Club extends its help to various charitable establishments. Such amounts may vary from £5.000 to £10.000 yearly, of course, according to the availability of funds.
On many occasions the Club honoured old members and prominent persons of the Nicosia Society and offered plaques and certificates.
The very successful organization of picnics for the members of the Club and their friends.
The constant support both financially and morally of the Club to the Rotaract and Interact Clubs.
P.P. Glafkos Petrides

Florence Hui 10 May 2006

Member, Rotary Global History "RGHF Committee"
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