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Rotary Club of Guayaquil |
First Club of
Ecuador District 4400 13 July 1927 ![]() |
![]() They were excused: by absence, in Quito, Forest the Rose Yoder; and in Bucay, E.C. Heal; and by diverse reasons Luis Orrantia, Isidro Iturralde Plaza, Jaime Castells, Santiago Perez Conto and Vicente Illingworth. Proceeded to the election of Directors, with the following result: Rodolfo Baquerizo Moreno, Augusto Dillon, Víctor Henriques, Alfredo Tinajero, doctor Herman Parker, Secundino Sáenz de Tejada and Otto Von Linde. The presents solved that in one proximate reunion the directors elegising the dignitaries. This reunion took place and is as I structure the first directory, that I am conformed of the following way: President, Rodolfo Baquerizo Moreno; Vice-president, Herman B. Parker; Secretary, Secundino Saén de Tejada; Treasurer, Víctor E. Henriques; Censor, Alfredo Tinajero; and Vowel: Otto Berh Von Linde. ![]() It is clarified that all the partners founders were proposed to the Rotary International, and all were accepted, having received the rising Club their Corporate charter the 13 of Julio of 1927, being the first Club established in the Republic of Ecuador. As of 1927, the Club Rotary of Guayaquil has come fulfilling all the rotaries postulates. We need many hours to describe the works that, in benefit of the city, of the province and the country, the institution has made that, in its 76 years of existence has had the fortune to be directed, successively, from Mr. Rodolfo Baquerizo Moreno, its first president, by 69 Presidents, being his septuagesimo, for the period that culminated the 30 of next June, Angel Duarte Valverde. However, we think that in this fast historical revision of the Club Rotary of Guayaquil, amerita to make mention express, of between so many and so many works, performances and managements, of which, to our modest one to seem, they are of exceptional importance or particular importance and meaning. ![]() Months later, the same Directory obtained that the Rotary Club of Panama sent a strong vaccine shipment to us for the eradication of the typhoid fever that in 1928 habia punished inclementemente the town of our city. Under the presidency of doctor Cesar D. Andrade, the Club I found a dependency of the House Cradle on the district of the Shipyard, in 1931; and in the following year I sponsor and I help to finance the construction of an asylum for tuberculosos in Alausi, for a time at which the terrible white plague still did not have fast remedies like at the present time and the mountain climate was recommended for the slow lightening and recovery of the patients. In 1933 the Club endorsement the management of the fiscal and municipal educative authorities so that it begins, in the coast the rural primary education with the denominated schools predials, and in the following year donates a gymnasium to the House Cradle of Guayaquil. In 1939, under the presidency of Mr. Carlos Roca Carbo, the Club to sended an important material aid for the victims of the earthquake of Chile, thus relieved his spirit of collaboration with the American brothers in misfortune. And, in 1941, under the presidency of Mr. Carlos Estrada Sartre a campaign for the approach of the towns began Ecuadorian and Peruvian later of the international war of that year, emphasizing the feeling of brotherhood between the nations that is one of the main characteristics of the universal rotarismo. In 1945, relieved its constant preoccupation by the childhood, the Club, under the presidency of Mr. Forest the Rose Yoder impulse and financed the construction of the first infantile park of Guayaquil. In 1947, the medico outstanding salubrista doctor Jorge Higgins Jaramillo with the Directory who it military prison gave to the Main. Directorate of Medical Services the clinic, structure of concrete and two plants, totally equipped, that still works in the Olmedo Avenue, and therefore has been, for 55 years, to the service of the poor town of Guayaquil. In 1949, the Club, directed by Don Juan Valverde Rumbea collaborated with an important amount of money for the aid to the victims of the terrible earthquake of Ambato and constructed a pavilion destined to the children of tuberculoses parents, annexed to the building of the Asylum "Bethlehem of the Orphan", in the street the Gold, of our city. In 1953, the Directory of whom was President in that year, Don Gustavo Chanange, created and financed a program of complete scholarships for bachelors of modest economic resources so that they can continue his superior studies. Whichever professionals must their titles to our Club. The following year, the Club, presided over then by Don Pedro J. Menéndez Navarro took to its position the integral reorganization from the Correctional School from Work No. 2. The material work still lasts. In 1955, the President of the Club, Don Cesar Arcentales with the aid of the distinguished partners Atilio Descalzi Mendoza and Hugo Suárez Baquerizo and other members of his Directory obtained the donation of the land where today the host building of our institution rises windy, in the street Emeralds. The respective public writing was subscribed the 11 of April of 1956 by the gentlemen Emilio Estrada Ycaza and doctor the Faustus Benítez, Mayor and Solicitor Receiver of the Municipality of Guayaquil and by Don Cesar Arcentales, still in functions of President of our Club. Don Augusto Alvarado Olea, distinguished leader of our community presided over, in 1956, the Directory who completely equipped a room for the hospitalisation of the cancer patients, which they go to SOLCA. The room takes the name of our Club. Ejido ParkIn 1958, under the presidency of Don Alfredo Albán the construction of our social seat in the land of the street began Emeralds, and there it worked, until 1970, the Social School on watch, when it was transferred to the Catholic University of Guayaquil so that withdrawn his they can have academic hierarchy. When doctor Emilio Romero Menendez managed the Club, in 1961, among other works of meaning tells the monument to the Rotary International that I locate to the entrance of the Airport the International of Guayaquil. In 1965, under the presidency of doctor Eduardo Seminario Ponce de Leon beginning the construction of the Vacacional Camping for poor children of the city, in the lands that I donate Mrs. Isabel Estrada de Jurado in General Villamil - Beaches -, and in 1966, being president of the Club Capita'n Cesar Monge concluded this work of eminent social purpose. In 1967, the Directory who presided over Don Alberto Lantermo I construct to the Communal Center of the Suburb in 40 streets and the B. The physical work gave in commodity to the Association Pro Well-being of Ecuadorian Family APROFE and the writing publishes respective was subscribed day 12 of Julio of 1968, having taken part by APROFE doctor Pablo Marangoni; and by our Club its president in functions, Don Alberto Lantermo. Obvious, the persevere commodity and the scientific work and of I authenticate social content continues being made, daily, in the premises donated by the rotaries guayaquileño. In 1972, the Club under the direction of Coronel Agustín Alban Borja, in functions of President, donated a pavilion for mental ill children in the interior of the psychiatric hospital "Lorenzo Ponce". Colonial QuitoIn 1976, time of the Presidency of doctor Eduardo Peña Astudillo, the Club effected an important material contribution to the old asylum of "San Jose Home", Guayaquil. In 1984, under the Presidency of Don Felipe Costa Echeverria the Club I construct to the pavilion of weld and technical drawing of the School of Arts and Offices "Anzoátegui" of the Meritorious Philanthropic Society of the Guayas, and the following year, the Club, this time directed by Don Luis Hidalgo Febres Cordero I construct the School "Néstor Astudillo" in the suburban sector of the Guasmo. Between 1988 and 1989, the directories who, in their order, presided over Don Francisco Feraud Aroca and Don Jose Ycaza Henriques, initiated and concluded the shelter for incurables patients. And, in 1997, the enthusiasm of Don Antonio Baduy and its dynamic Directory, and the untiring motor of the doctor Mercedes Huerta de Baduy, its beautiful and intelligent spouse, crystallized beautiful a social work and that dignify to the woman of the suburb of Guayaquil, the denominated communal banks, next to the Clinic for Prenatal Control that comes greatly serving to the future poor mothers as Guayaquil and the province in the sector of the Guasmo. During year 2001, the Board of directors of the Club promovio a denominated program "To return to see" for cirugia of cataracts of indigents people. And, in 2002, under the presidency of Mr. Ricardo Koenig the Club I construct a popular dining room to take care of 250 and young poor men old. In rotary year 2003-2004, the Board of directors of the Club has solved to construct to the room of calculation for use of the children of the State school "John Rockeffeller" who gratuitously works in the building of property of the Club and the construction of medical center in the corner Eloy Alfaro, for poor people. |
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