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Rotary Club of Bangkok |
ไทย the First Club of Thailand 28 Nov 1930 - District 3350 First RI President from the city of Bangkok Rotary International Convention host: 2012 ![]() Pearl Buck in Bangkok History of the Rotary Club of Bangkok ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Background of Rotary in Thailand
from The Rotary Club of Jomtien Pattaya Rotary Organization was founded in Chicago, U.S.A. on 23 February 1905 (B.E.2448) by Paul P. Harris, and was later brought to Thailand through Rotarian James W. Davidson of the Rotary Club of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, who was appointed by Rotary International as General Commissioner for the formation of Rotary Clubs in the Orient. Rotarian James W. Davidson had been granted an audience with His Royal Highness Prince Purachatra in Bangkok to seek his permission to discuss the possibility in forming a Rotary Club in Thailand. His Excellency Prince Purachatra was impressed with the ideal of Rotary, and thus the first Rotary Club was founded by him on 17 September 1930, namely: "Rotary Club of Bangkok" (an English speaking club) with 69 founding members of 15 different nationalities. The Charter Presentation Ceremony was held at Phyathai Palace (now becomes Phra Mongkut Army Hospital, Rajvithee Road), whereas H.R.H. Prince Purachatra was installed as Charter President. 1931 In 1931 there were 8 Rotary Clubs in this " Golden Peninsula " region. They were grouped together and designated as "Provisional District B" In 1935 Rotary international had included all Rotary Clubs in the French Indo-China region in the same Provisional District B whose designation was later changed to "District 80", whereupon H.S.H. Prince Purachatra became the first District Governor. In 1948 as a result of the worldwide rearrangement, "District 80" was renumbered as "District 46". In 1955 on the occasion of the Silver Anniversary Celebration of the founding Rotary Club of Bangkok, His Majesty King Bhumipol Aduljadej (King Rama IX) graciously consented to honor Rotary by becoming "Patron of Rotary in Thailand". It was noted that the Constitution and By-laws of Rotary International was translated into Thai for the first time by Past President Luang Sitsayamkarn of RC Bangkok who later became a charter member of the second Rotary Club in Thailand, namely: Rotary Club of Thonburi, which is a Thai speaking club. In 1957 the total number of Rotary Clubs became enormous, the District numbers were re-numbered in three digits worldwide. Effective 1 July 1957 District 46 was changed to "District 330". In 1958 the second Rotary Club was born with Phya Mahai-Sawan selected Charter President. In 1980 as of 23 February 1980 which marked the 75th anniversary of Rotary International, there were 48 Rotary Clubs in Thailand. At the 45th conference of District 330 during 22-24 February 1980, it was resolved to re-district District 330 into two districts, whereby a new District 335 comprised of all Rotary Clubs in Thailand as of 1st July 1982 was headed by PP Rojvit Pereira of RC Bangkok South as the first District Governor. The number of Rotary Clubs in Thailand was increased to 69 during that year. 1983 the first issue of Rotary Magazine in Thai language was published on 1st July 1983 and was approved as the official Regional Rotary Magazine for Thailand on 1st July 1985. PP Dr. Sumin Prurgsiganont of RC. Chiang Mai North was the first Editor. In 1985 the number of Rotary Clubs in Thailand was fast growing, Rotary International approved the split of District 335 into two districts: District 335 and District 336, on 4 June 1985, and became effective on 1 July 1985. In 1992 R.I . approved Districts 335 and 336 to split into 4 districts, namely: Districts 3330, 3340, 3350 and 3360 to be effective as from 1 July 1992 onward. |
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