History of Rotary in Moldova

A Part of Our History of Rotary in Europe

See also the Rotary Club of Chisinau, first club in Moldova

The tiny republic of Moldova was once known as BESSARABIA when in 1918 after the grand border reshuffle, giving effect to a plebescite , it was obtained by Rumania as an attachment to Rumanias Moldova Province .

In 1940 following the Molotov von Ribbebtrop pact it was again annexed to Russia (more literally the Ukraine ).

On the break up of the Soviet Union ,Moldova sought and obtained independence . This was the smallest of the Soviet Republics (13,000 Sq Miles) which lies immediately East of Moldova province of Rumania, east of the Prut River and west of the Dniester River which seperates Moldavia from the Ukraine. Its capital is CHISINAU formerly known as Kishinev . The population though mixed comprises a majority of Rumanian speaking Walachians (Vlachs). There are at least 900,000 Russian speaking Russians and Ukrainians in the population of 3,500,000

Until 1998 there had not been Rotary involvement in Moldova ,but of course there had been active Rotary Clubs operating prior to World War 2 in the Kingdom of Rumania of which it was then part. Specifically the Iasi Rotary club of Rumania some 120 km away was then its closest club .

ROTARY CLUB OF CHISINAU (chartered 20 May 1998)

The Homepages of the Derbty South Rotary Club D1220 of England tell us the story of how the Chisinau Rotary club came into being . 

A brief synopsis of this as shown on the email section of Rotarians on the Internet ROTI on 7 April 1999 is reprinted below .

Dear fellows ,

I have just read a most wonderful story of initiative, compassion and enterprise all at the hands of the Derby South Rotary Club of England D 1220. The club celebrated its 25th anniversary last year and leading up to that it wanted to do something really special . Now I note from its membership list that it has some Rotarians clearly from foreign extraction, which probably did help ...In Dec 1996 club members became aware of the terrible plight of orphans in orphanages in Russia and in former Russian states . In this case the children were in the tiny former Soviet Republic of Moldova . Now this tiny country was once known as Bessarabia and was gained by Rumania as part of its Moldova province from the Russians in 1918 . They lost it again in 1940 when "uncle Joe Stalin "annexed it together with the northern tip of Bukovina .

In 1990, when the Soviet Union collapsed, this tiny state sought independence .Firmly wedged between Rumania and the Ukraine, its future does not seem awfully better than that of Russia.

Anyway the Derby South Club heard about the fate of some 600 children without proper food ,without hygiene, blankets, hot water bottles, warm clothes in a country where it is pretty cold over Christmas. (-5 degrees and zero heating ) . In 10 days Rotary had its community into gear. It got 2 strong vehicles with 2 up built trailers and loaded same with milk powder, food provisions, blankets, hot water bottles, medical supplies, aquaboxes, baby feeding bottles etc etc and sent a team of Rotarians there to drive the return journey of some 6,300 km through Belgium France Austria Germany Hungary and through Rumania to their destination in Chisinau, capital of Moldova. 7 days later they were back in Derby . The children, huddled two to a cot sharing an old army blanket between them on worn out and unhygienic mattresses ,which ought to have been condemned years ago, the children made a heart wrenching sight .Frequent power cuts left them in the dark for hours on end ,appalling sanitation, dirty and unhygienic toilet and washing facilities and minimal medical care ,these children were the children which the world seemed to have forgotten about ...

So what could this single Derby Rotary club do about this ?? Well they thought that Rotary could make a difference . They intended to repeat their labour of love and next time come with money ,but who would oversee this so far away ?...The nearest Rotary club was the relatively new Iasi Rotary club just on the border of Rumania with the Moldova Republic ..These too were brand new Rotarians in a country like Moldova not long truly independent .So the Derby boys thought why not aim at the top and start Rotary in Moldova if for no other reason than to administer our project with the orphanages there… Spade work was done .RI was approached and the English DG gave the move every bit of support...

In November 1997, the Club had raised locally with Rotaracters and the local High schools help some 6000 Pounds Sterling($US9000 ) and it set off again to Moldova .. On 20 May 1998 the Rotary club of Chisinau ,the first Rotary club in the Republic of Moldova received its charter ... And all that because a truly courageous and enterprising British Rotary club set out to prove that indeed Rotary can make a difference ! Well Basil put out your chest...This one is really worth crowing about !!!

Henk of Kumeu NZ

 It is obvious from this item that the CHISINAU ROTARY CLUB in receiving its charter was immediately charged with "keeping an eye on the childrens' homes" ,which the Derby South Club sought out for a special treat in 1996 and 1997.


Rotary Down Under in its March 1999 edition reported on the activities of the small rural NZ Rotary Club of Bulls, which is situated at the bottom of the North Island of New Zealand . Through P P Lyndon Tamblyn's business activities in Moldova ,the club became aware of the atrocious conditions in that country's orphanages . Lyndon returned to New Zealand and told members of his club of the great poverty in Moldova ,where the average monthly income was $US 30 per month and the unemployment benefit runs at $US 1 per month . There was tremendous unemployment reported Lyndon .As the English members of the Derby South Rotary club had also found ,the children were underfed and underclothed in that country with very cold winters and cold orphanages with temperatures of -20 degrees C . The Bulls Rotary Club created WARM (Woollen Apparel Required for Moldova ). The whole district 9940 came to help ,businessmen and schools joined in ,the women knitted toy teddy bears and other knitted toys ,and the club pressed 7000 kilos of woollen clothing into wool bales ,a function with which the locals would be very familiar in this heart of NZ farming country ,and filled up an entire container .. 

In October 1998 13 Rotarians ,partners and friends led by PP Lyndon and wife Birgit left NZ for Moldova to receive and distribute their container load…. 

The goods had been shipped to the port of Constanza in Rumania ,the nearest port ……..and surprise surprise …The Rumanians required duty to be paid of $US 40 cents per kg …a cool $US 2600…

Here the locals proved invaluable Two persuasive Businessman members of the new Chisinau Rotary Club traveled to Rumania with a truck to collect the goods and struck a deal with the Rumanians . The Kiwis never learned what the deal was ,but there was a lot of cheer on the way back … 

The Chisinauans had prepared a distribution plan and the team provided goodies to 70 orphanages .. Poor families as well as orphanages profited ..There were smiles on the kiddies faces and in one village ,the school had prepared pictures for the visitors ,made music and sang for them and the village put on the lunch, for poverty does not remove local pride . The local winery put on the wine .

It was so satisfying to do this said PP Lyndon …We are working already on the next container which is scheduled to leave NZ for Moldova next September 1999. 

As for the Chisinau Rotarians ? It makes us feel good to be able to do our part In helping to address the colossal need in our country ..Besides we are making many new good friends !!!


acknowledgements to New Zealand Rotarians for this article
posted by RGHF Webmaster Greg Barlow. January 2009

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