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CR de Panama |
Cortesía del C.R. Juan Surgeon | ||||||||||||||||||||
![]() En esta primera Reunión estaban entre otros Federico Alonso Pezet, el Dr. Ramón Morales, Albert Lindo, José María Chiari, Tomás Gabriel Duque, el Dr. Jorge Boyd, y el Dr. Harmodio Arias Madrid quién fue elegido primer Presidente del Club. El 8 de Noviembre de 1919, Rotarios del Club Rotario de Montevideo, Uruguay, cruzaron el Rio De La Plata y fundaron el Club Rotario de Buenos Aires, que recibió su Carta Constitutiva en 1920. Es con orgullo que los panameños podemos decir que el Club Rotario de Panamá es el segundo mas antiguo de Latinoamérica en existencia después del Club Rotario de Montevideo, Uruguay, ya que desafortunadamente el Club Rotario de La Habana Cuba, dejó de existir. La semilla del Rotarismo pronto empezó a dar frutos, pues ya en Diciembre de 1919 se hablaba de un Club Rotario en Colón, pues tanto los Rotarios panameños, como distinguidos ciudadanos colonenses estaban entusiasmados. En Febrero de 1920 empezaron a reunirse los colonenses como Club Rotario Cristóbal Colón, siguieron reuniéndose regularmente, pero no fue sino el 1 de Marzo de 1921 que consiguieron su Carta Constitutiva, siendo por lo tanto uno de los clubes más antiguos del Continente Americano. Iniciado el movimiento Rotario en Panamá le siguieron otros clubes dando a nuestro pequeño país 10 Clubes Rotarios, todos sirviendo a nuestra comunidades, promoviendo el compañerismo, la educación, la salud, el bienestar a través del servicio y un mejor entendimiento. |
Según las fechas en
que recibieron sus Cartas Constitutivas tenemos:
La historia del Rotarismo en
Panamá sería incompleta si no indicáramos que el Fundador de Rotary
"Paul Harris" y su Rotariana Jean visitaron Panamá el 24 de Enero de
1936, siendo agasajados por los Rotarios y Rotarianas de los clubes
entonces existentes: Panamá, Cristóbal-Colón y David ofreciéndoles un
banquete en el Club Uni6n de Panamá al cual asistieron el Presidente de
la República y los más distinguidos hombres de nuestro país y sus
señoras. Paul y Jean además siguieron viaje de visita a Colombia,
Ecuador, Perú, Brasil, Argentina y Uruguay. Paul Harris a su paso iba sembrando árboles de amistad que con sus copiosas frondas han cobijado a la humanidad a través del servicio y la amistad. Being in Latin America, the Rotary Club of Panama followed the Rotary Clubs of Havana Cuba (1915-1916) and Montevideo, Uruguay (1918). It obtained its Corporate charter in 1919 a few months after its inaugural meeting on July 3 1919. This was organised by the great Rotarian Federico Pezet, who arrived from the United States on a trip to Peru. At the meeting on July 10 1919, the first Board of Directors chose one the name of 'Rotary Club of Panama', and it was with this name that it received its Corporate charter on November 1 1919. At this first Meeting were among others, Federico Alonso Pezet, the Moral Dr Ramon, Pretty Albert, Jose Maria Chiari, Tomás Gabriel Duke, Dr Jorge Boyd, and the Aryan Dr Harmodio Madrid who was chosen first President of the Club. On November 8 1919, Rotarians of the Rotary Club of Montevideo, Uruguay, crossed the Rio de la Plata and founded the Rotary Club of Buenos Aires, which received its Corporate charter in 1920. It is with pride that, as Panamanians, we can say that the Rotary Club of Panama is the second oldest in Latin America after the Rotary Club of Montevideo, Uruguay, since unfortunately the Rotary Club of Havana, Cuba, no longer exists. The seeds of Rotary soon began to bear fruit, because in December of 1919 a Rotary Club in Columbus was already being discussed. Panamanian Rotarians as distinguished citizens were excited by the prospect. In February 1920 they began to meet with the members of the Cristóbal Columbus Rotary Club, which had continued to meet regularly, although it was not till March 1 1921 that the club obtained its Corporate charter, making it one of the oldest clubs on the American Continent. Following the first club in Panama, 10 Rotary Clubs were started in our small country, giving a service to our communities, by promoting comradeship, education, health, the well-being through service and a better understanding. According to the dates in which they received its Corporate charters we have: Rotary club of Panama, November 1 1919; Rotary Club of Cristobal-Columbus, March 1 1921; Rotary Club of David , November 1 1932; Rotary Club of Santiago, December 24 1969; Rotary Club of Panama South, June 7 1971; Rotary Club of Panama West, August 30 1972 ; Rotary Club of Spout, December 6 1979; Rotary Club of Northeastern Panama, August 26 1981; Rotary Club of North Panama, November 21 1996 ; Golden Panama Club , April 25 2001. The history of Rotary in Panama would be incomplete if we did not mention that the Founder of Rotary Paul Harris and his wife Jean visited Panama on January 24 1936, being entertained by Rotarians and their spouses from the clubs then existing, Panama, Cristo'bal-Columbus and David at a banquet in the Unioñ Club . In Panama they attended the President of the Republic and the most distinguished men of our country and their ladies. Paul and Jean Harris also visited Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. On the way, Paul Harris was planting 'friendship trees' that with their abundant foliage have given shelter to humanity through service and friendship. |
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