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Brief histories of the "RotarioLatinAmerica" Clubs


Rotario Club of Sao Paulo


Rotario International Distrito 4610


Home of the 2015 RI Convention (Tentative)


Armando de Arruda Pereira, of Sao Paulo, was president of Rotary International in 1940.



Paul and Jean Harris in Sao Paulo (Mid 1930's)







The Rotary Club of São Paulo, was founded on 13 February 1924 by the intent of 12 of the most representative figures of São Paulo, then: Adhemar de Moraes, Antonio Gaffré, Augusto M. Guerra, Benedicto Montenegro, Gilbert. J. Hubert, Hermínio G. Moreira, Irving Henry Gallion, José Carlos M. Soares, José Fernando Oliveira, Manfredo Antônio Costa, Richard O. Connell and Victor da Silva Freire.

Its charter was granted on 24 March 1925 and at that time, the club number 1945 of Rotary International.

It meets typically on Fridays, at 12h45min, the Main Hall of the Rotary Building, located at Av Higienópolis, 996 - 5th floor. Currently has about 160 members, the second club to be founded in Brazil, with its godfather being the Rotary Club of Rio de Janeiro The club, following its vocation, still provides relevant services to the community, which can be viewed in the agenda item of this site.

We can not talk about a club of Rotary, whose ideal is to serve, without speaking of its achievements for the community. Already in the early years, there were discussions about how the club could help improve the lives of the city and tried to do with this concern is materialized in effective actions, denoted that represented an evolution of the community.

Our records have announced that in 1929 we performed the construction of the 1st of Parque Infantil D. Pedro II, the park of the same name in Varzea of Carmo, the first playground donated to the Municipality of São Paulo. Inaugurated in this year, a school for poor and mentally retarded children, who worked in the building of the Group School Prudente de Moraes, in Avenida Tiradentes, and set up a Christmas Party for children, a permanent program in 1935 and held annually until the present day.

There was also, in 1929, the start of the campaign for the creation of a university in São Paulo, which culminated in the founding of the University of São Paulo in January 1934.

On July 19, 1929, in a meeting held in the banquet hall of the Commercial Club, established the Commission responsible for collecting data on subsidies and the issue of interest to university and São Paulo, aiming to build a university in São Paulo. It was after the meeting that the Commission said it was integrated by the following Rotarians: Theodoro Augusto Lemos, president of RC São Paulo at the time, Geraldo de Paula Souza, Ernesto de Souza Campos, Cardoso de Mello Netto, and Plinio Barreto Fonseca Telles.

In 1938, the construction of the Pavilion was donated to the Paulista League against Tuberculosis, first services for the implementation of BCG vaccine in the Santa Casa de Misericordia. In 1942, created a Plasma Bank, designed by fellow former President and former Governor Eduardo Vaz, established the Institute Pinheiros. Also created the association Pró Library and Literacy for the Blind, which was organized and could have its own building with the substantial help of RCSP.

In 1946-47, the Foundation created the Rotarian of São Paulo, by the ladies of the Rotary movement in São Paulo. It is considered the greatest work of the Rotary world dedicated to education and today is the Branco River Unit Higienópolis College, College Drive Rio Branco Granja Viana, EECS - Special School for deaf children, CEPRO - Center for Education, Professional Rotary, ITAE - Institute of Technology Advanced Education in Colleges and integrated style.

In 1947, the Home School Rotary incorporated in the Km 24 Rodovia Raposo Tavares, Vianna continued Escolinha of that, the result of donation of Family Vianna, was incorporated into the patrimony of the Rotarian Foundation of São Paulo, becoming then the Unit Granja Vianna College of Rio Branco, and the Home School Rotary has become the CEPRO. In 1948 we did a campaign for Traffic Signs. São Paulo, at that time, only had 16 traffic lights. The RCSP donated 126 new lights for the mayor.

In 1951-52, a monument was inaugurated in Ipiranga - Altar of the Fatherland. A cenotaph to receive the remains of our first Emperor, an idea born in Rotary Club of São Paulo, under the management of Magalhães Paulo Reis, who interceded with the mayor at the time, our partner Armando de Arruda Pereira, was built with funds from the Government of State and inaugurated on September 7, 1952, with the presence of President Getúlio Vargas and high civil authorities, military and ecclesiastical. The remains of Pedro I have only been transferred to the mausoleum 20 years later, at the sesquicentenary of Independence.

In 1952, there was the first campaign for clean city, which donated 1,000 baskets of trash to City Hall. In the same year, inaugurated the Rotary Pavilion for tuberculous children, built at the Hospital for Children Indianópolis Red Cross, now the Hospital of the defects of the face.

In 1953, created the Association of Family Rotarian - ASFAR. There was also the creation of the school of Information Rotary. Herbert de Arruda Pereira was the creator of the School of Information Rotary, which had its inaugural class on 6-10-1953. In 1954, we conducted the Second Ibero-American Conference Rotary in the year of the IV Centenary of São Paulo. This year was also inaugurated a monument to Santos Dumont, run by Victor Brecheret, donated to the State of São Paulo on the occasion of the commemoration of 50 years of the early flights of the balloons dirigibles. The monument is located in the Airport of Congonhas.

In 1963-64, we conducted the first campaign of the Brazilian flag in the classroom. 1200 donate flags to schools that were part of the RCSP. The campaign was repeated in 1982-83. In 1964 created in the Museum Armando de Arruda Pereira with items donated by the family of Armando. This museum was restructured and its administration was passed to the Rotarian Foundation of São Paulo, in 2004, when the club celebrated its eighty years of foundation.

In 1972, there was the creation of IRESP - Institute for Social and Professional Reintegration of graduates from prison. Two years later, there was the institution of Ateneu Rotary. Also in 1974, opened the Rotary Square at the fiftieth anniversary of the RCSP. After restoration the square was re-opened, to establish itself as NRDC - Center for Community Development of Rotary RCSP, giving full support to the Library Monteiro Lobato, installed inside the square. In the same year there was a campaign donation from the municipality of São Paulo, 500 shelters for bus stops.

In 1974/75, we created the Hall of the House of elders of Ondina Lobo, to house the elderly people. In the same time, by intercession of fellow Waldemar Fonseca, was made the lighting of the Favela Jaguaré.

In 1976, started our meeting famous Rio-Sao Paulo, and 1979, founded the Metro-CAMP, current ESPRO, which serves about 1,200 young people per year, of which the majority are doing internships in companies, with great chances of getting their first job.

We were the Host Club's 72nd Annual Convention of RI, in 1981, with the participation of the Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Two years later, at the initiative of companions of the club, was created the Brazilian Association of Dyslexia, which currently operates in the Angelica Avenue, No. 2318.

Engaged us in 1985, the campaign of explanation pro-Polio Plus, which aims to eradicate polio by the year 2005. In 1986/87, we made a donation of equipment for ophthalmology for the Emilio Ribas Hospital, and donated equipment to search the Department of Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo.

In 1987, there was a delivery to the Pope John Paul II in Rome, the companion Durval Rosa Borges, of the Rotary Wheel - Man of Peace, Laura Ateneu of Rotary 1987, and the book The Flight of Peace, with texts by poets and illustration of artists on the theme. In the same year, promoted two campaigns: Campaign of the Book, with the donation of 2,500 books to libraries, hospitals, childcare and charitable organizations located within the club and a campaign of afforestation, with a donation to the Hall of 600 seedlings of trees to be planted in the city.

In 1989, reactivate the MOPI - Motion Pro Elderly, which serves about 600 people with the best age classes in art, literacy, social gatherings and other activities. In 1994, there was the installation of the Rotary Club of Marco Square in Esther Mosque, on the seventieth anniversary of the club.

In 1996-97, the first toy sponsored the city of São Paulo. In 1999/00, the Forum was already security, with the presence of the Governor of the state, Mario Covas, one of the many achievements of the Club on this matter.

In 2002 we made the first online meeting (video conference), via internet, and a club singer (RCSP) and an American club (RC Miami), to the establishment of a professional relationship between members of both clubs. In the same year made a donation to the Vision Institute, Federal University of São Paulo state of equipment for the ophthalmic care of the Indians of the Xingu, which is the second donation already made to this Office by the club. In 2003, to donate 240 wheel chairs to the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo and in 2004, another 35 seats.

In its 81 years existence of the Rotary Club of São Paulo had 84 companions who were selfless in charge of their destinies. Rotarians from the years 1929-30, 1930-31 and 1966-67, the club had two presidents.

Twenty-seven companions of the Rotary Club of São Paulo were District Governors. Of the 18 current College of Governors of D4610, 9 (50% of the total) belong to our club. They are: Eduardo de Barros Pimentel (1964-65), José Luiz Lemos da Silva (1980-81), Carlos Alberto Hernández (1984-85), Hugo Maia de Arruda Pereira (1989-90), Sizenando Affonso (1991-92 ), Joinville Pahim Leme (1994-95), Carlos da Silva Gueiros Jerome (1998-99), Nahid Chicana (2001-02) and Paulo Roberto de Campos Castro (2004-2005).

Posted a Companion of the Rotary Club of São Paulo reached the highest position of our institution. Armando de Arruda Pereira, President of the Club in 1934-35, Governor of District 72 in 1935-36, was the thirtieth President of Rotary International in Management 1940-1941.

The Rotary Club of São Paulo has 17 godchildren clubs: Rotary Club of Santos (26-02-1927), Rotary Club of Sorocaba (29-11-1939), Rotary Club of Mogi das Cruzes (07-11-1949), Rotary Club of Santo André (11-12-1949), Rotary Club of São Paulo-Leste (13-02-1951), Rotary Club of São Paulo-Sul (01 -- 04-1952), Rotary Club of Sao Paulo-Santo Amaro (08-04-1952) Rotary Club of São Paulo-Norte (21-07-1953), Rotary Club of São Paulo-Oeste (21-07-1953) , Rotary Club of Campos de Jordão (19-06-1954), Rotary Club of Sierra Taboão (25-03-1967), Rotary Club of Sao Paulo-Bom Retiro (05-04-1967), Rotary Club of São Paulo Barra Funda-(28-09-1967), Rotary Club of Sao Paulo, Santa Cecilia (09-11-1967), Rotary Club of São Paulo-Liberdade (24-03-1976), Rotary Club of São Paulo-República ( 03-04-1990) and Rotary Club of São Paulo-Bela Vista (26-06-1996).

The Rotary Club of São Paulo sponsors five clubs of young people: Rotaract Club Rio Branco, Mackenzie Rotaract Club, Rotaract Club São Paulo, Rio Branco Interact Club and the Interact Club ESPRO. More information about these clubs, young people can be found on this site, the item of youth clubs.

Having started with 12 partners in 1924, the Rotary year 1974-75, president of Waldemar Fonseca, the club reached its maximum number of partners, to have 431 members. Durval Rosa Borges, President 1973-74, is very active and restless, Ateneu founder of Rotary, was alone responsible for the entry of 80 members in the Rotary Club of São Paulo. In September 1989, after 65 years of living exclusively male, was admitted to the first female Rotarian to our club, the companion Dr. Luiza Helena Rodrigues Carvalho.

Having had various addresses before, from 1961 the registry has located in the Rotary Building, located at Av Higienópolis, 996 - currently in room 505 of the 5th floor.

The first bulletin of the club was the Rotary Biweekly Magazine of São Paulo that, from 1929, is now published weekly under the title Bulletin Serve.

Programs of services to the community: Mutirão of Cataract, Mutirão of Diabetes / Heart Design Course, Seminar on Prevention of Drugs, Teenage Pregnancy and STD / AIDS, Children's Christmas Party, adult literacy, campaign of selective waste collection ( see agenda item of the web site).

Social Activities: Meetings Domiciliares, Happy Hours, Integration, visits Professionals, Rotarian of the Christmas festival, Rio-Sao Paulo Meeting, Meetings Festivals, of Coral Rotarian.

The Rotary Club of São Paulo was responsible for establishing and remains in the leadership or performance is relevant in the following entities: the Rotarian Foundation of São Paulo, Social, Professional Education - ESPRO, Motion Pro Seniors - MOPI Association and the Women's Rotary Club of São Paulo - AFROSP.


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