Historians who continue this project Oldham Gregory (Greg) Barlow
Honorary Member and Senior Global Webmaster for www.districthistory.org www.regionalhistory.org
Greg lives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, living in Malaysia since 1995, ex Australian, retired Chartered Accountant, involved in export/import businesses and international marketing.
I am now particularly interested in developing greater representation of non-English language pages in our massive data-base and have been primarily involved in extending other language histories.
Filling in the Missing Histories provides great enjoyment and the ability to chat with people from many countries.
Even living in Malaysia, being mono-linguistic is embarrassing, but communicating with Rotarians from Arabic to Chinese languages is even more so.
RGHF offers so many interesting facts and information on Clubs, Districts and personalities within this great organization.
It is a daily pleasure to work on these projects and to contribute in some small way, to the recorded history of Rotary around the world.
Since 2003, I have had the pleasure of being involved in creating the following additional and new histories
Global Clubs
www.districthistory.org (Districts from around the world) Club Banners - project in progress Originator of "Rotary Global History Day" monthly awards www.110ctober.org Added new histories of the First clubs of each country Added biographical data of Past Presidents, their home clubs and Conventions Added new Country Histories Researched and posted Early Leaders (James H. Roth) Added new histories of Fellowships and Action Groups Added new histories of Peace Communities Researched and created "Inner Wheel Around the World" Researched and created "Youth Organizations Around the World" project in progress Global Links page (former project) Rotary Global History Fellowship Heroes www.rghfheroes.org RGHF COMMITTEE MEMBERS
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*Based on paid members, subscribers, Facebook friends, Twitter followers, mobile app users, History Library users, web pages, and articles about Rotary's Global History
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