ROTARIANS attending the 1931
RI convention in Vienna, Austria,
were thrilled
by a performance ofFranz
Lehar's "The Merry Widow" operetta
conducted by the composer himself.
Local Rotarians took extra pleasure in the performance, for
Lehar was an active member of the Rotary
Club of Vienna.
Sir Nigel
Gresley. There are probably few if any Rotarians who
have had a mainline railway steam engine named after them. A
founder member of the Doncaster Rotary Club, he was elected as
one of the first two Vice Presidents.
Friederich Bergius,
Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, was born on October 11, 1884, in
Goldschmieden near Breslau, and died on March 31, 1949, in
Buenos Aires, Argentine.
E. Stevenson, U.S. Ambassador to
the UN and governor of Illinois, was a member of the Rotary
Club of Springfield in
that state.
Guglielmo Marconi inventor
of the wireless, was an active member of the Rotary Club of
Bologna, Italy.
C. Hall,
founder of Hallmark Car
Sam Walton,
1953-54 president, RC of Bentonville, Arkansas, USA. Founder of
Kahanamoku, Olympic gold medalist. Regarded as the father
of surfing. Member
of RC of Honolulu
PHOTOS Pierre Belujon PP-PHF
Rochelle - Aunis d1690 |
The Kentucky
Colonel, Harlan
Sanders belonged
to several Rotary Clubs, early in Rotary's history. more...
Provided by |
One of Lincoln
Rotary’s best
known members was William
Jennings Bryan. He became an honorary member when he
moved his residence to Florida.
Influential and
internationally famed editor of the Emporia (Kansas, U.S.A.)
Gazette, William
Allen White, was a Rotarian
Gerald Walcan Bright, by now at the top of his profession,
joined the London Rotary Club
see "Music
in Rotary"
R. G. Knowles, RC London. This Canadian born artist was a
popular and clever entertainer.
member of the London Club between the wars was Arthur
Prince. Prince was born in 1881 in London and died in 1948.
Harry Tate, Senior, was another London Rotarian with the
classification of 'Comedian'.
Bransby Williams, an entertainer, became member number 298
of the London Rotary Club
Emmanuel "Manny" Dapidran Pacquiao, world champion professional
boxer and politician, RC Manila 101, Philippines
Sidney "Charlie Chan"
Toler. 1874-1947 In the 30's & 40's Toler starred as "Charlie
Chan" in more than a dozen movies. He has an interesting
connection to our Club. Between 1914-17 Toler, an American, was
living in Halifax, Nova Scotia, working as an actor and
playwright. He joined the
Club of Halifax #81 and
was a member in the year his club sponsored the Rotary Club of
Charlottetown. Toler left Halifax & went on to became a Broadway
star. In the 1930's he took on the role for which he is most
remembered: Charlie Chan.
"Daddy" Allan 1862-1937
Founder of the Easter
Seals organization dedicated to helping people with physical
disabilities. He was first an honorary member, then an active
member, of the Rotary Club of Elyria, Ohio. His organization got
underway when he convinced several Rotary clubs in Ohio to
fund-raise to help address the needs of the many children
physically devastated by polio. His organization was the first
grant recipient of the Rotary International Foundation.