Avenues of Service

Council approves fifth Avenue of Service

History of and approval of by RGHF members from California USA


A representative makes a point on a resolution during the opening day of the Council 26 April. On Wednesday, the Council approved adding a fifth Avenue of Service. Rotary Images/Monika Lozinska-Lee

Representatives at the 2010 Council on Legislation approved an enactment 28 April to add a fifth Avenue of Service: New Generations. The 2013 COL changed this to "Youth Service."

After adopting an amendment to change the name from Youth Service, as originally proposed, to New Generations, the Council narrowly supported the addition to article 5 of the Standard Rotary Club Constitution. The 263-250 vote was received by surprised gasps and applause after a short debate.

New Generations (Youth Service) joins Club Service, Vocational Service, Community Service, and International Service as the foundation of club activity. Before starting a project, Rotarians are asked to think broadly about how their club and its members could contribute within each avenue.

“It’s a significant change – a historic day in Rotary,” said Council Chair Mark Daniel Maloney. “Rotarians have always strongly supported youth activities even though they were never part of the four Avenues of Service. I think this strengthens our commitment.”

The Avenue of New Generations recognizes the positive change implemented by youth and young adults involved in leadership development activities, community and international service projects, and exchange programs that enrich and foster world peace and cultural understanding.

PDG Ron Sekkel, USARepresentative Ronald P. Sekkel, of District 5170 (California, USA), proposed the enactment by saying that New Generations is the future of Rotary.

Opponents argued that youth services are already covered by the four Avenues of Service. One representative said that adding a fifth avenue could decrease emphasis on the other four avenues.

Representative Emile M. Rijcken, of District 1900 (Germany), said the new avenue is well deserved.

“The volume of activity in youth programs shows how strong Rotary can be,” she said. “The addition of New Generations to the Avenues of Service will contribute in an enormous way toward public opinion.”


History of the new avenue, featuring members of RGHF The 2013 COL changed this to "Youth Committee."
(TY Mr. Chairman) Ron Sekkel-District 5170-I’ll be speaking English On the Proposed Enactment 10-87
To add a fifth Avenue of Service: Youth Service (Amended to New Generation Service)

Rotary springs out of the “Object of Rotary.”

There are many Rotary Concepts living in there.

Building Communities and Bridging Continents… is in there.

The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace … is in there

Rotarians have excelled in implementing the concepts in the “Object of Rotary”… That’s what we do

We’ve focused on vaccinating the world’s youth.

A Rotarian in this room even convinced warring factions in Sri Lanka to cease fire long enough for Days of Tranquility to vaccinate youth against polio.

With our clubs located in so much of the world, Rotary could focus on providing leadership development activities, involvement in community & international service projects, & exchange programs, for much of the world’s Youth.

We have RYLA, Youth Exchange, Interact, Rotary Peace Communities, and more.
Elevating Rotary’s Service for Youth (amended to "New Generation") to be an Avenue of Service is not only important for the additional focus on service …but for the increase in potential strength and support of Rotary Clubs that comes from knowing our additional emphasis on youth.

Why Youth? …The youth may be the key to attaining future Peace, Goodwill, and understanding whether internationally or locally.

We invest and hope to affect future Peace with our peace centers.

An investment of Service in youth will yield benefits for more years than any other service.

Of Course as Rotarians we desire, to care for and to serve all humankind … from young to old, near & far.

Yet, as statespersons and citizens of the world devoted to Service Above Self … we should elevate our focus of service … and in many cases we have … to those who can carry peace into the future….for many, many years… the youth…our hope…. for Peace, Goodwill, and Understanding.

(debate) (Amendment passes to change Youth to New Generations)

(Closing Comments) It’s a small world.
The rest of the world starts at our front door…for all of us…Around the block or around the world, youth are the future of this planet…Please vote for Youth Service to be our 5th Avenue of Service!! (Amendment passes to change Youth to New Generations)
Comments from RGHF former board member PDG Ron Sekkel

The world should know that any Rotarian, in any club, has the power to change Rotary. 

Lee DenlingerThe process started with Rotarian Lee Denlinger, formerly of the Rotary Club of Pleasanton North, proposing to have the club recommend this piece of legislation to our district. We then had a mail in ballot to vote on 4 different pieces of legislation. This piece of legislation and 2 others were approved to be sent to the Council on Legislation by our District (5170). 

The rest is the history you know. 

Lee is the current President of the Fremont-Union City-Newark Sunset Club and advisor to our District's Youth Service Chair.

Approval (PDF)

Content provided by RGHF member PDG Ron Sekkel, USA, and amended 8 May 2013 by Jack Selway
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