









Rotary Peace Monuments

Search results for "Peace" at Rotary Global History

Peace Rotary Global History site with complete history from the birth of the founder to present day. Research, fun, orientation, Rotary enrichment.
www.rotaryfirst100.org/philosophy/peace/ - 66k -

Let There Be Peace on Earth

Rotary Global History site with complete history from the birth of the founder to present day. Research, fun, orientation, Rotary enrichment.
www.rotaryfirst100.org/library/music/peace.htm - 39k -

The Contributions of Donald MacRae

In the Kansas City address, MacRae spoke of three kinds of peace. One was the peace of primitive man, which he called barbarism; the second was peace ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/leaders/macrae/contributions.htm - 45k -

Donald MacRae

In the Kansas City address, MacRae spoke of three kinds of peace including ... “It is the conviction of Rotary International that the lasting peace which ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/clubs/canada/macrae/ - 51k -

1941 Davis

Convention Host/. Convention History, Toronto, ON, Canada June 21-25 (6599). Other Information. Peace Will Come , an essay · August 1941 Bio in The Rotarian ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/1941davis/ - 46k -

President's Themes

A contribution to world understanding and peace through an intensification of our international service program; 4. An outstanding district conference in ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/themes/ - 154k -

Butte, Montana

Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park Montana, USA and Alberta, Canada. Paul Harris' comments on the Peace Park from "This Rotarian Age." ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/clubs/clubs-of-rips/butte/ - 65k -


The first Peace Forums were held, leading to the establishment of Rotary Peace Programs ... Rotary Centers for International Studies in Peace and Conflict ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/foundation/timeline/ - 53k -

1927 Ostende

“On earth peace, goodwill toward men”. “The three generals in command of the destructive forces are: Suspicion Jealousy and Fear ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/conventions/1927/ - 55k -

Centennial Bell

We come in peace to foster peace, together as a family in simple fellowship, and recognize that together we can do more than we can as individuals. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/clubs/rotaryone/bell/ - 42k -


“The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world ... These two lawyers helped draft the Fourth Object covering Peace, ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/clubs/canada/ - 53k -

The Vatican

Later he accepted a Paul Harris Fellowship and a World Understanding and Peace Award from Rotary, while Catholic priests throughout the world were taking ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/ history/headings/leaders/vatican.htm - 70k -

Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.

"This charter is a compact, born of suffering and of war; with it now rests our hope for a good and a lasting peace." (San Francisco, California, June 26, ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/philosophy/stettinius/ - 44k -

Paul's Thoughts

... other cities we visited during the course of our trip presumably will stand for generations as living expressions of international peace and good will. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/library/trees/valparaiso.htm - 38k -

Madeleine Carroll

"This is a picture of the children of Europe four years after a war that showed them no mercy and brought them no peace. For the past three months I have ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/women/famous/carroll/ - 80k -


We think an Arms Holiday for ten years would assist the cause of peace. ... the Nations, it might give moral proof of a universal desire for peace, ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/ 1910harris/paulharris/political/answers.htm - 57k -

12th Anniverary

Peace among nations must be the order of the day; and if commercial boycott proves inadequate to quell disturbances then armed force must be resorted to. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/philosophy/ harris/02_1917rotarian.htm - 70k -

Pearl Buck

Peace was our atmosphere. I never heard of such crimes as I see every day ... At least this peace, uneasy though it is, gives us precious time to make hope ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/women/famous/buck/ - 98k -

Hosted Rotary Conventions in Canada

The story of the 100 years of peace was symbolically told in music, brilliant tableaux, ballets, marching and countermarching of legions in colourful ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/clubs/canada/conventions.htm - 89k -

1983 Toronto

Following Dr. Lown’s address, the audience viewed a slide program entitled “Lighting Candles for Peace─ International Service in Action.” ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/conventions/1983/ - 53k -

1915 Speech in Chicago by Paul Harris

Men work and play, fight and make peace, love and hate, live and die all in pursuit of happiness, and how often in ill considered pursuit of happiness. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/ philosophy/ziegler/1915harris.htm - 62k -

1939 Cleveland

'The advancement of international understanding, good will, and peace through a ... Sadly, that fourth object - world peace and understanding- would be lost ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/conventions/1939/ - 36k -

1921 Edinburgh

"The power of Rotary is friendship... Friendship means peace." "God grant that Rotary be clean and free from the corrupting influences of politics." ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/conventions/1921/ - 57k -

Tom Warren

Warren was a magnetic and inspirational speaker and who rightly took his place at the head of the movement as peace dawned throughout the world. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/clubs/ireland-uk/warren.htm - 43k -

RI Presidents 1983 -1996

Rotarians -- United in Service- Dedicated to Peace. Philadelphia, PA, USA May 22-25 (16316). 1988-89. Royce Abbey (Melbourne, Vic. Australia) ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/1983.htm - 63k -


This uneasy peace continued until 1951 when another Vatican decree warned priests that they should not join Rotary and that "the faithful should be aware of ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/history/ history/otherorganizations/freemasonry/ - 57k -

Rotary and the UN

... information and other helps in connection with the study of the charter and the activities of the United Nations to the advancement of world peace. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/history/history/un/story.htm - 63k -

Life of Paul Harris

Friendship means peace." 1922. Los Angeles hosted the 13th convention and Harris wrote about the expanding international aspects. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/ presidents/1910harris/paulharris/ - 138k -

Rotary Club of Antigua and Barbuda, the First Club of Antigua

This programme obtained assistance through the Peace Corps, with several Rotarians acting as resource persons, proved highly successful. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/global/countries/antigua/ - 45k -

1934 South Africa

www.rotaryfirst100.org/philosophy/peace/1934sa.htm - 37k -

Donald Macrae

“The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/leaders/macrae/ - 35k -

Rotary District 7770

The ideal of service and international peace and goodwill was the vision of Paul Harris. It is hoped that each Rotarian will view the history of their ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/districts/districts/7770.htm - 56k -

David Grayson

When the war ended, Baker acted as Wilson's press secretary during the Paris Peace Conference, and later wrote a three-volume history of the conference, ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/philosophy/grayson/ - 39k -

John Dryden

Who studying peace, and shunning civil rage, Enjoy's his youth, and now enjoys his age." Quoted by Paul Harris in his 1947 autobiography "My Road to Rotary ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/philosophy/dryden/ - 42k -

Theodore Roosevelt

He won the Nobel Peace Prize for mediating the Russo-Japanese War, reached a Gentleman's Agreement on immigration with Japan, and sent the Great White Fleet ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/philosophy/roosevelttheodore/ - 41k -

Montreal #85

The real beginnings, however, take off when H LeRoy Shaw began to communicate with WA Peace, the first President of The Toronto Rotary Club. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/ clubs/cities/clubs/85montreal.htm - 53k -


Rotary Centers for International Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution established. 2000. (Rotary Global History) is organized 11 October 2000 by club #43 in ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/history/history/ - 123k -

1964 Toronto

Canadian newspaper entrepreneur British Lord Thompson of Fleet talked about Making Peace with the Soviets. He was convinced “that if we are to contemplate a ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/conventions/1964/ - 51k -

Rotary Abbreviations

World Understanding and Peace Day (2001 MOP). The anniversary of Rotary's birth, 23 February 1905, is also observed as World Understanding and Peace Day. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/ history/headings/abbreviations.htm - 190k -

Winnipeg #35

... words: - "Your Club set the Rotary Wheel in motion on a journey which shall never end until the desired achievement of world peace is accomplished". ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/ clubs/cities/clubs/35winnipeg.htm - 62k -

Henry W. Longfellow

The long poem begins with Gitche Matino, the Great Spirit, commanding his people to live in peace and tells how Hiawatha is born. It ends with the coming of ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/philosophy/longfellow/ - 50k -

2002 25/26 Institute

Could WOODROW WILSON have proclaimed that "Rotary is the only cement which will hold the nations of the world together in permanent peace...the cement of ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/ library/presentations/20020918.htm - 71k -

Welcome to Room 711

... that night and how this casual meeting became an organization which changed the world, and has the potential still to bring peace to this planet. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/711/welcome.htm - 46k -

1995 Brown

Work for Peace. Home Town, (Clearwater, Florida, USA). Convention Host/. Convention History, Calgary, AB, Canada · June 23-26 (24963) ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/1995brown/ - 43k -


May he rest in peace and the light perpetually shine upon him. A sense of deep personal loss prompts me to set down these words. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/ presidents/1922havens/obituary.htm - 43k -

Rajinder Singh Bedi

... billions of US$ towards improving quality of life (health, education, environment, vocations) and ushered in peace where there were conflicts. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/historians/bedi.htm - 37k -


and peace through an intensification. of our international service program. 4. An outstanding district conference. in every district. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/themes/french.htm - 74k -

1987 Keller

Theme, Rotarians -- United in Service- Dedicated to Peace. Home Town, (California, Pennsylvania, USA). Convention Host/ ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/1987keller/ - 43k -

Stuart Morrow

He went on to become the youngest ever Justice of the Peace at that time in Britain, but emigrated to the USA, finally settling in California in 1885. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/leaders/morrow/ - 49k -

PDG Eddie Blender

... Harris Society Members, Major Donors and have Endowed a Rotary World Peace Scholarship. They have recently been made members of the Arch Klumph Society. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/historians/blender.htm - 40k -

Old Memory

Thus when I have finished this task what a relief to feel that he will no longer be dogging my footsteps and disturbing my peace of mind. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/1916klumph/lesson.htm - 60k -

Carlos Garcia Calzada

... from the first one of them "tolerance" the heritage to Harris from his grandfather, even our Rotary Foundation that brings us closer to "world peace". ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/historians/calzada.htm - 38k -


... will encourage others to examine the reasons why they belong and see the tremendous value of each membership in creating understanding and world peace. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/why/ - 42k -

The Philosophy of Rotary

Peace · Perspectives · Tolerance · Understanding. RESOURCES. Paul Harris · Historians · Naturalists · Philosophers · Authors · Poets · Scientists ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/philosophy/philosophy.htm - 45k -

Charles P. Steinmetz

Rotary Founder Paul Harris quote Steinmetz in discussion the power of Rotary for world peace. "No man really becomes a fool until he stops asking questions. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/ philosophy/scientists/steinmets.htm - 40k -

1940 Havana

The Convention of 1940 was held between June 9th and 13th in the temporary haven of peace and tranquility in Havana. Initially, the Convention was scheduled ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/conventions/1940/ - 44k -

1937 Nice

1937 - An Adventure in World Peace and Understanding Rotarians gathered in the Municipal Casino Nice, France between June 6th-11th 1937 for their annual ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/conventions/1937/ - 39k -

1941 Denver

The new President, Tom J Davis proclaimed that "Rotary was born in time of peace, but its program of service is even more necessary in a period of world ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/conventions/1941/ - 40k -

1942 Toronto

Peace Will Come. By Tom J. Davis. President, Rotary International. A realistic but hopeful view of the future wherein Rotary's new President sees the demand ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/conventions/1942/ - 49k -

1943 St. Louis

The 34th Convention was aptly described in the Convention's slogan - "Rotary Serving in War and Peace". It lasted for only 3 days due to travel restrictions ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/conventions/1943/ - 40k -


Just as Rotary's mission of peace and understanding unites people everywhere, a spirit of cooperation and togetherness links the cities of Malmö and ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/conventions/2006/ - 34k -

Praha (Prague)

In 1924 in a time of peace, when Czechoslovakia as a sovereign state was but 6 years old, a group of Czech personalities joined forces to lay the ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/global/countries/czechoslovakia/ - 40k -

Touching a Nation - 75 years in Nairobi

History showed that he had sown the seed which changed Nairobi’s place from a mere capital city to a platform for world peace. Rotarian Major Sir Cavendish ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/global/ countries/eastafrica/75years.htm - 39k -

Shelbyville, TN

... that have roots in history, geography, religion, race, by using the influence in our organization and its individual members to work for peace. " ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/clubs/clubs-of-rips/shelbyville/ - 49k -

Senator Richard Lugar

The impressive presence of Lugar at the Rotary Club meeting attracted about 25 peace protestors who managed to interrupt the Senator’s speech and some had ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/clubs/ cities/clubs/58indianapolis/lugar.htm - 39k -

Belfast #67

... Dublin and engaged himself in the commercial and civic life of that city, becoming then, the youngest man to be commissioned as a Justice of the Peace. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/clubs/cities/clubs/67belfast.htm - 48k -

Seattle #4

Through an unwavering commitment to build goodwill and peace, provide humanitarian service, and encourage high ethical standards in all vocations. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/clubs/cities/clubs/04seattle.htm - 61k -

Rotary District 1280

The district is not only commemorating the past but looking to the future with the new 'Lowry' Centre in Salford and a special 'Peace Centre' in Warrington ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/districts/districts/1280.htm - 43k -


Today, the project grows every day with new history to help strengthen the resolve of Rotarians to bring about world peace and understanding. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/districts/ - 35k -

Object of Rotary

The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/history/history/object/ - 32k -


... united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations and help build goodwill and peace in the world. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/global/asia/clubs/02shanghai.htm - 37k -

Taipei, Taiwan

In RY 1981-82, in line with the year's theme, World Understanding and Peace Through Rotary, we prepared slides depicting Rotary in the Republic of China and ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/ clubs/clubs-with-conventions/taipei/ - 63k -


... a peaceful world of neighborly nations. If we have 'good will toward men' of every nation, we can confidently look forward to 'Peace on Earth'." ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/1926rogers/biography/ - 48k -

History of Rotary Music

Sir Harry Lauder · Patriotic Singing · A 1st Woman DG Remembers singing · Let There be Peace on Earth · 1915 Convention · 1921 Edinburgh · 1950 Songbook ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/library/music/music.htm - 40k -


After the Declaration of Peace such efforts were directed towards support for the Food for Britain Appeal to ease the plight of residents of “the Old Dart”. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/global/australia/clubs/hobart/ - 50k -

Rawlins Survey

... honesty of desire could only promote better understanding, and better understandings go for promotion of peace and the elimination of warring purpose". ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/ 1910harris/paulharris/political/ - 54k -


Technically speaking, it is a not-for-profit corporation that supports the efforts of Rotary International to achieve world understanding and peace through ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/foundation/ - 45k -

Your Comments/Questions

... having been a part of various Rotary programs (Rotary Youth Exchange students, Ambassadorial Scholars, Interact, Peace Center Fellows, GSE, RYLA, etc.). ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/clubs/comment/ - 58k -

Rotary & the UN

... General Dwight Eisenhower was later "reported" to have said that Rotary was the greatest power for peace next to the UN, The story of Rotary and the ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/history/history/un/ - 54k -

RI Presidents 1969-1982

World Understanding and Peace Through Rotary. Dallas, TX, USA June 6-9 (13222). 1982-83. Hiroji Mukasa · (Nakatsu, Oita, Japan) ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/1969.htm - 67k -

2005 Chicago

Paul Harris also said that he wanted Rotarians around the world to work together to build a lasting peace. Robina Quale-Leach together with Rotary Global ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/conventions/2005/ - 46k -

The Foundation

... and the achievement of world understanding and peace through local, national, and international humanitarian, educational, and cultural programs. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/foundation/programs/foundation/ - 35k -

Rotary Global History Newsletter

Rotary Global History is open to all who care of about neighborliness, tolerance, friendship, and world peace. We invite you to share this newsletter with your ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/library/newsletters/ - 55k -

Mead on Service

Set your business house in order and you have gone a long way towards realizing the peace, goodwill, and understanding among Nations which the Sixth Object ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/ presidents/1912mead/mead/service.htm - 41k -

<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas ...

„Men work and play, fight and make peace, love and hate, live and die all in persuit of happiness; and how often in ill considered pursuit of happiness. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/ philosophy/harris/1911rational.htm - 48k -

RIP Albert Tribute

The soft wings of peace now cover him round. But the thing that is divine in us is not confined by our death. Wherever there has been glowing generosity, ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/leaders/davidson/tribute/ - 56k -

Eleanor Roosevelt

"The only way to obtain peace in the world is to work cooperatively toward that end." (April 6, 1937). In her years as an outspoken first lady and delegate ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/women/famous/roosevelt.htm - 58k -

History of RIBI

... first European Regional Conference—an International President from RIBI—the Vienna Convention— Royal Patronage for RIBI—a Peace Conference in Paris ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/library/levy/ - 76k -

J. Layton Ralston

www.rotaryfirst100.org/leaders/ralston/ - 42k -

1981 McCaffrey

Theme, World Understanding and Peace Through Rotary. Home Town. (Moraga, California, USA) · Also former member of SF#2 · President while member of Stockton ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/presidents/1981mccaffrey/ - 44k -

PDG James Angus

Rotary Zone 22 Donald MacRae Peace Award · The Contributions of Donald MacRae · RI Conventions in Canada · Monthly feature: "What Paul Harris Wrote" click ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/historians/angus.htm - 38k -

Doug Rudman, Historian

Tom Davis 1941-42 Article on peace · Davis and Pereira show strength in times of war. General History. Rotary Headquarters Moves to 35 Wacker Drive ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/historians/rudman.htm - 67k -

Dr. Wolfgang Ziegler

"Peace will come" an essay · Rotarian Bio Article · Davis and Pereira show strength in times of war. Fernando Carbajal 1942-43. Rotarian Bio Article ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/historians/ziegler.htm - 96k -

Jack Selway, Rotary Global History Project Founder

Peace · Perspectives · Tolerance · Understanding. Mentors. Historians · Naturalists · Philosophers · Authors · Poets · Scientists · Statesmen ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/historians/selway.htm - 59k -

George Bernard Shaw in The Rotarian

... "They are going to lunch." Wolfgang Ziegler, 14 October 2005. Also see the background of Shaw's complaint and another article on peace. ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/library/rotarian/shaw.htm - 35k -

Singing Anyone?

www.rotaryfirst100.org/clubs/ireland-uk/singing.htm - 47k -


11/6 Rotary Zone 22 Donald MacRae Peace Award; 11/5. District history 6580; First Clubs of: Zimbabwe – Harare · Kenya – Nairobi · Channel Islands – Guernsey ...
www.rotaryfirst100.org/new.htm - 100k -

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