October 1936 Rotarian article
In Australia, South Africa, and Europe – in short, everywhere Paul Harris has gone as an ambassador of Rotary – he has planted trees as a living symbol of Rotary fellowship. This picture was snapped on his tour of South America.
Rio de Janeiro 1936
Paul and Jean Harris and others at a tree planting in Rio de Janeiro. During their trip to Columbia, Panama, Equador, Peru, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil in 1936.
Rio de Janeiro 1936
Paul Harris planting a tree in Rio de Janeiro as Jean and others look on. Used in the June 1970 issue of The Rotarian and the January February 1980 issue of Revista Rotaria.
From the Buenos Aires club president
A kind letter from the president of the Buenos Aires Rotary Club.
Paul Harris wrote, that Buenos Aires most reminded him of Paris. He and Jean Harris spent 18 days in this city, where he spoke to students and traveled the countryside.
Jean and Paul Harris Visit Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires was the highlight of their visit to South America. You can also read an article about Jean Harris at the Buenos Aires page on this website. From the home page, click on South America and then Buenos Aires.
Buenos Aires 1936
Paul Harris and "Rotarian Authorities" plant a tree in Buenos Aires. This photograph and text are from the History of the Rotary Club of Buenos Aires, courtesy of that club.
Valparaiso, Chile 1936
Paul and Jean Harris attended the 1936 Ibero American Rotary conference. The soil for this planting came from each of the countries represented at the conference. "While I have participated in many (plantings), I am certain that the ceremony has never been taken so seriously by so large a number." Paul Harris *
Valparaiso "Friendship Tree" Ceremony
From "75 Years Rotary in Chile" provided to RGHF by Guillermo A. Izquierdo, 2001 Valparaiso Rotary Club President.
75 Years: Rotary in Chile
Paul Harris planting the Valparaiso "Friendship Tree" with narrative from the History in Chile.
The text may be read, by clicking on the image. This will enlarge the photo and text.
75 Years: Rotary In Chile
The conclusion of the narrative of the "Friendship Tree" planting in Valparaiso.
Lima, Peru
Paul Harris planting a tree near a public playground financed by the Rotary Club of Lima [Peru]. Used in the June 1936 issues of The Rotarian and Revista Rotaria.
Santiago, Chile (date unknown)
Paul Harris planting a tree in Santiago, Chile as Jean Harris and others look on. [date unknown]
Paul Harris in Santos, Sao Paulo, Brazil 1936
"Abaixo foto de Paul Harris quando de sua visita ao RC de Santos- Plantio da arvore da Amizade na Praça da Republica, a seu lado o Comp. Leão de Moura."
"In 1936 Paul Harris visit Santos ( Est. S. Paulo-Brazil)and at Republic Square, he planted a Friendship Tree."
In Rotarian fellowship,
Nelson Otero- President of Informatic.
25 Years later at RC of Santos, S.P.
"Após 25 anos, nossos Companheiros visitam a Arvore da Amizade, plantada por Paul Harris."
"25 years after our companions are visiting the historical tree."
Photos, courtesy of RC of Santos
1936 Montevideo
2 April 1936 as Paul Harris plants a tree in Montevideo along with Rotarians and local school children. Photo from the Paul Harris Study, at One Rotary Center in Evanston.