The Friendhip trees of North America

The Friendhip trees of North America
Sydney Pascall, RI president in 1931 was the first president
to plant a tree during a presidential visit.
Paul and Jean Harris traveled extensively in their own country and planted trees from Maine to Florida to Long Beach and other cities. However it is to Aberdeen, Mississippi that this portion of Rotary Global History owes a great debt. It was mere coincidence, but due to their own inquiries at our website that brought their tree to our attention and then a remembrance of one we saw in Canberra.
Now, the rest, as they say, is history.

The story of the RGHF Gavel, from Tuskegee, Alabama 


Missing Histories
Mexico City

(See planting below, as part of a longer film, but we still need the modern day tree),


Charlotte, North Carolina, 1939

Description of tree planting in Charlotte


Charlotte, North Carolina 1940

Tree planted by Paul Harris in 1939 in Charlotte, North Carolina. The photo of the tree and plaque was taken by George M. Frey, in June of 1940. Permission granted byTheRotary Club of Charlotte and 2001 President Jim Woodward

Visits the Palm Springs Club

Prior to the planting in Long Beach, Harris presented the charter to Rotary Club of Palm Springs. Featured in the June issue of The Rotarian.

Long Beach, California March 5, 1941

"Long Beach Rotary Club was singularly honored last week by the presence of the Founder of Rotary International, Paul P. Harris. Paul made a special trip from Palm Springs to be present at our meeting. Immediately after the meeting, a tree planting ceremony was held at Bixby Park, at which time a Magnolia tree was planted by Paul. This tree is the first one that he has planted in California soil, although he has planted many trees in Europe and Asia on several of his goodwill trips to Rotary Clubs of other lands, as well as those he has planted in cities through the United States. Later a plaque was placed near the tree, commemorating the occasion and dedicating it to Rotary and friendship!" Long Beach Rotarygram

Cathedral City, California March 1941

Paul Harris planting a tree in Cathedral City, California for the Women's Club of Cathedral City.

It is located on the corner of East Palm Canyon Drive and Cathedral Canyon Drive. Rotary Club of Cathedral City, founded some 16 years later, placed a plaque there also commemorating Paul Harris.

Cathedral City in 2002

The Rotary Club has kept the tree in its location dispite development and plans to feature a photo of it on their club banner.

Lakeland, Florida Circa 1942

Paul Harris planting a tree in Lakeland, Florida as PDG Ed R. Bentley, Mayor E. E. Kelly, and Rotary Club of Lakeland president Echo Wigham look on. (circa 1942)


Lakeland, Florida update, below


"The Rotary Club of River Valley - Rumford, Maine, USA, area is part of my district.  In 2010, the club planted a replacement tree for the one originally planted by Paul Harris due to decay and weather damage.  The club has a photo of Paul Harris planting the tree and a plaque is at the site identifying Rotary, Paul Harris and the club.PDG Ann Lee Hussey, RGHF member

RIP 10/11, RGHF member Ray Klinginsmith, at Rumford, Maine

On October 2, 1939, a tree was planted on the memorial at the Rumford. Main traffic rotary by Paul Harris

RUMFORD -- On October 2, 1939, a tree was planted on the memorial at the Rumford traffic rotary by Paul Harris, the founder of the Rotary Club, and a stone/plaque was placed there in his honor.
That tree stood as a symbol of his visit to the Rumford Rotary Club for over 70 years. Unfortunately, due to age and deteriorating health of the tree, it had to be cut down.


2010 Mumford, Maine article continued

Evanston, Illinois, USA 2012

RIP 12/13 Sakuji Tanaka planting a Weeping Katsura tree with Rotary Club of Evanston President Pam Rosenbusch to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the International Friendship Garden sponsored by Evanston Rotary clubs. "The local Rotarians are very proud of this garden, and I was honored that they invited me to plant a tree here."

4 February 2013 Lakeland, Florida. Original Peace Tree Planting from 1942 alongside this years Rotary Theme, "Peace Through Service"

Thanks to the RC of Lakeland, and RGHF member Neal Steiger

4 February 2013 Lakeland,Florida. Rotary International President Sakuji Tanaka visits Lakeland to re-plant the Peace Tree originally presented by Rotary International Founder Paul Harris in 1942. The new tree is a Magnolia.*

*Magnolia is a large genus of about 210 flowering plant species in the subfamily Magnolioideae of the family Magnoliaceae. It is named after French botanist Pierre Magnol.


Rotary Friendship Tree with Rotary Rotary International PresidentGary C.k.Huang, Rotary Rotary District 6980 Governor Jo Weber, and Congressman Daniel Webster March 12, 2015, in Wooton Park, Tavares, FL

Rotary Club of Lake County Golden Triangle President Angelo Perciballi, Mayor of Tavares, Rotary International President Gary CK Huang, US Congressman Daniel Webster, Dr Phyllis M. Olmstead, Rotarian, Rotary District 6980 Governor Jo Weber of the Villages Rotary, Taiwan ROC Embassy Economic representative. At Rotary International traditional Friendship Tree Planting in Tavares, Florida at the Central Florida Dragon Boat Festival. March 13, 2015 5 pm.



Historic oak tree 


in Tuskegee Square will be taken down

Updated Apr 28, 2011

Historic oak tree in Tuskegee Square will be taken down after dying from lightening strike.

An historic oak tree planted in the Tuskegee Square by Rotary Club founder Paul Harris in 1945 has reached the end of the line.

Tuskegee City Manager Al Davis reported at the April 26 Tuskegee City Council meeting that the large oak will be taken down sometime after the May 7 Carver Arts & Crafts Festival in the Square.

Listen to Paul Harris as he describes how Rotary really began, in his own words, recorded, in 1945, and now for you to hear with your own ears. 

Leland Childs's interview of Paul Harris in Tuskegee, Alabama, 20 December 1945. Harris described the origin, purpose and future of Rotary.

A gavel, made from this tree,was presented to RGHF on 23 June 2013, at Lisbon, Portugal, by RGHF member DG 13/14 Bob Callahan 

The oak is one of the hundreds of Friendship Oaks planted by Paul Harris, who founded Rotary International and was visiting Tuskegee’s local Rotary Club when he planted the historic tree.

The 66-year-old tree suffered from fungus and a lightning strike from a couple of years ago that ultimately led to its demise. The 66-year-old tree suffered from fungus and a lightning strike from a couple of years ago that ultimately led to its demise.

Davis said representatives from the Alabama Extension Service in Macon County and an expert from Auburn University determined recently the massive oak is dead.

Davis mentioned the AU tree expert is also working with attempts to save the two famous Toomer’s Corner oak trees in Auburn that were poisoned late last year. Harvey Updike, a 62-year-old admitted University of Alabama football fanatic, has been charged with poisoning the Toomer’s oaks.

“We’ll bid out the job of taking down the oak. It is a tricky job because of the size of the tree and the fact there is a concern about dealing with utilities lines in the area,” Davis explained.

The oak is one of the hundreds of Friendship Oaks planted by Paul Harris, who founded Rotary International and was visiting Tuskegee’s local Rotary Club when he planted the historic tree. The Paul Harris Fellow status is the highest honor a Rotarian can achieve.

Davis, who is a Rotarian, noted that gavels for Rotary Clubs far and wide have been carved from the historic oak’s branches.

The city manager also told the council there are some seedlings from the Friendship Oak that could eventually be planted in its place after it is removed.


trees/northamerica/images/Paul Harris Friendship Trees.pdf

A gavel, made from this tree, was presented to RGHF on 23 June 2013, at Lisbon, Portugal, by RGHF member DG 13/14 Bob Callahan  

A gavel, made from this tree, was presented to RGHF on 23 June 2013, at Lisbon, Portugal, by RGHF member DG 13/14 Bob Callahan  

A gavel, made from this tree, was presented to RGHF on 23 June 2013, at Lisbon, Portugal, by RGHF member DG 13/14 Bob Callahan  

A gavel, made from this tree, was presented to RGHF on 23 June 2013, at Lisbon, Portugal, by RGHF member DG 13/14 Bob Callahan  

A gavel, made from this tree, was presented to RGHF on 23 June 2013, at Lisbon, Portugal, by RGHF member DG 13/14 Bob Callahan  

A gavel, made from this tree, was presented to RGHF on 23 June 2013, at Lisbon, Portugal, by RGHF member DG 13/14 Bob Callahan  

A gavel, made from this tree, was presented to RGHF on 23 June 2013, at Lisbon, Portugal, by RGHF member DG 13/14 Bob Callahan  

A gavel, made from this tree, was presented to RGHF on 23 June 2013, at Lisbon, Portugal, by RGHF member DG 13/14 Bob Callahan  

"At the close of the Wednesday plenary session, shortly after noon, President Emeritus Paul P. Harris, at the invitation of the Department of Forestry of the Mexican Government, planted a "Tree of Friendship" in Chapultepec Park. A committee from the Rotary club of Mexico City headed by Rotarian Carlos Contreras, and other residents of the capital interested in forest conservation, accompanied him and witnessed the ceremony." Also see the 1935 International Convention in Mexico City


The entire 20 minute film, from including a short clip of Paul Harris planting a tree in 1935 is found at the 1935 International Convention in Mexico City. RGHF is still seeking a modern day image of this tree. (Courtesy of the RI Archives and Angel Jimenez, RC of Houston, USA)

Another chapter of Paul Harris' love of mankind is told in this special section

"The Friendship Trees of Paul Harris"


inspired by RC of Aberdeen, Mississippi, USA


All photos copyright Rotary International Archives unless noted otherwise.

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