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History of the Water & Sanitation Rotarian Action Group (Wasrag) 

Every drop countsIn the Rotary year 2003-04 the then President of Rotary International asked Rotary clubs and districts to emphasize water and sanitation in their programs. Initially he created the Water Resource Group whose function was to provide information and support to clubs wishing to embark on "watsan" projects. It soon became apparent however that clubs needed more. They needed access to the most appropriate technologies, to outside funding and to expertise, none of which were available within the traditional Rotary structure.


Most important, it became apparent to Rotarians and to potential funding partners that the original Rotary model - many small projects with limited community involvement or empowerment - would not have the impact many Rotarians were seeking. Nor could the supply-driven focus of many clubs achieve any significant degree of sustainability. 


Thus was born the Water & Sanitation Rotarian Action Group (Wasrag) − Rotarians working to improve life and livelihood through the provision of safe water and sanitation. Wasrag´s mandate is: 

"To provide information, support and encouragement to Rotarians, Rotary Clubs and districts to take active roles in projects/programs to develop safe water and sanitation as a means of promoting health and alleviating hunger." 

To fulfill this mandate Wasrag´s goals are to: 

            • Create awareness among Rotarians of the importance of conservation and sustainability and of local and global water issues;

            • Raise awareness of the need for, and benefits of, safe water and sanitation;

            • Develop a compendium of best practices to ensure sustainability and cost-effectiveness;

            • Distribute information on appropriate technologies for supplying, conserving and purifying water and for sanitation;

            • Build and encourage mutually beneficial relationships with other organizations, corporations, agencies and NGOs sharing common water and sanitation related goals;

            • Identify alternative sources of financing to complement The Rotary Foundation e.g. private foundations, corporations, government agencies;

            • Assist in identifying and formulating programs and projects that will promote sustainability;

            • Implement mechanisms to determine the effectiveness of projects;

            • Create a network of experts accessible to Rotarians and Rotary clubs;

            • Provide training and education on water/sanitation technologies and issues;

            • Facilitate the exchange of information via a web-based forum a forum;

            • Establish a bibliography of relevant materials, references etc.;

            • Give information on relevant conferences;

            • Act as advocates on water issues;

            • Support Rotary clubs seeking financial and/or technical assistance;

            • Foster "Centers of Excellence" on water/sanitation;

            • Operate a web-site and produce regular newsletters or bulletins;

            • Implement procedures to ensure sustainability and cost- effectiveness; 

WASRAG was authorized by Rotary International to carry out this mission in February 2007 and was officially launched on World Water Day, March 22nd, 2007 at the National Press Club, New York. Since then it has facilitated some 200 projects−helping clubs find partners, helping to ensure sustainability, stressing the importance of a needs- driven approach, developing best practices, encouraging a holistic, integrated approach in which water is not the end in itself but is rather the means to a better life and livelihood in the community. 

Most importantly it links water and sanitation to personal hygiene, better health, empowering the community - especially women, irrigation and agriculture, education and literacy and, ultimately, child mortality. 

In spring 2010 Wasrag launched Start with Water, a program designed to provide support to Rotary Clubs around the world. 

Start with Water is the response to Rotarians’ desire to have a major impact on the life and livelihood of people by helping to provide lasting and sustainable safe water and sanitation solutions. 

Rotarians are uniquely qualified to deliver sustainable solutions. 

They understand the culture and values of the local communities to which they belong. They are attuned to political considerations and can pinpoint problems before they become hurdles. 

The world is discovering that effective programs take 3 to 5 years to be sustainable - local community engagement and appropriate technologies are keys to success. Solutions need to consider complex realities: geography, geology, climate, local culture for example. Ensuring a project is based on best practices isn’t easy, requiring skills often not readily available to Rotary Clubs. 

Wasrag created Start with Water to provide the know-how, consistency and credibility essential to success over the long term. 

Why will this work?

The basis of our approach is a comprehensive Needs Assessment for every affected area. Universally-accessible tools are provided to help every project use the assessments and be more successful. 

The key aspects of Start with Water are:

· Large scale needs assessments reflecting local realities such as watersheds, flow issues and political boundaries; · Endorsed project listings that Rotary Clubs, Districts and even non- Rotarian groups can rely on, knowing they fit into larger sustainable programs; · Up-to-the-minute guidance on best practices in water & sanitation

work: community participation, needs-driven, sustainable technologies, education, long-term monitoring, evaluation and continuous learning; · Experts network and technical support; · Awareness building about the crisis facing the world; · Sourcing external funding; and building relationships with reliable partners. 

Letter from Wasrag's Chair: 

Wasrag, and many other RAGs are the future of Rotary. They are the only way to provide continuity and consistency in our programs. 

You can obtain more information at the website www.wasrag.org. But, the best way to learn about us, and to follow our development is to become a member. Open the website, click on “Join US” and follow the directions. You are probably aware that Wasrag, as with all RAGs, receives no funding from RI. We are primarilyl volunteers. Our main source of funding is membership fees. So, please support our program – Start with Water – by becoming a member a Wasrag. 

Thank you again, 

Ron Denham, 

Chair, Wasrag

Posted 8 July 2010 by Jack Selway
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