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Home Fellowships of Rotarians History of Global Networking Groups Rotarian Action Groups




Rotarian Action Groups

Recreational and Vocational Fellowships

Other Groups of Rotarians

www.fellowshipfirst.org The "Fellowship Advancer" - RI Fellowship Committee

The Story of Fellowships (For use as a Rotary Club Program)



Paul Harris on "Fellowship"

1911 First National Rotarian
Edinburgh 1921
"Sixth Object" 1925
"The Founder of Rotary" 1928
Ches Perry forward to above
Tour of Europe 1928
Europe Tour 1932
Radio Address 1933
Tour of Africa 1934
"This Rotarian Age" 1935
"Peregrinations III" 1937
From "My Road to Rotary" 1947
David Nichol "The Golden Wheel"
"The Story of Fellowships" pdf

Articles discussing the basic values of fellowship in Rotary (and the Rotary Fellowships). For further information, please contact RGHF

RGHF is indebted to Don Higgins, who kept much of this material safe for many years and who generously offered to share it with our project.


Fellowship Links
RI Fellowships Home Site
The First Fellowship
How Fellowships Began
1989 article in The Rotarian on fellowships
All Rotarian Action Groups Histories Posted
All Fellowship Histories Posted
RI PowerPoint on Fellowships
Current RI Information

As of 1 July 2005, the Rotary Fellowships program belongs to a new parent entity known as Global Networking Groups. The new entity includes groups of individual Rotarians organized to focus on shared topics of interest on an international basis. Effective 1 July 2006, all existing and future fellowship groups with a service-oriented focus will be reclassified under a new category called Rotarian Action Groups, while existing and future fellowship groups focusing on fellowship of a recreational or vocational nature will remain under the designation of Rotary Fellowships. For more information, please refer to Frequently Asked Questions.

During this period of transition, both Rotary Fellowships and Rotarian Action Groups will be represented on the Rotary Fellowships pages of the RI Web site. Pending the development of a separate Rotarian Action Groups Web page, both pages will be linked through a common portal for Global Networking Groups. Please check back periodically for further updates.

Global Networking Groups currently comprise more than 90 independent Rotary Fellowships and Rotarian Action Groups. Join the growing number of Rotarians who are sharing their favorite activities and professional interests through organized recreational and vocational groups in Rotary Fellowships, or explore new opportunities for international partnership in service in Rotarian Action Groups. Whether you are interested in bird watching, motorcycling, volunteer dentistry, or the fight against AIDS, Rotary’s Global Networking Groups are fantastic resources for all Rotarians to develop new friendships and to advance opportunities for service.  (Rotary International information)