Issue 39
Inside this issue:
Club News: Special
Next Week`s Speaker is:
Lala Gittoes
President's corner
Jug Information
Club Birthdays and
Dates for the Diary
Sunday on the River
Club members duties

Rotary International Channel
on Youtube: This should be
"standard issue" to all new
The books are still only $55 and
offer excellent value. For
any further information Please
contact: Brian Smellie 566
7722 or email him
HERE Find out everything
you ever wanted to know at:
Movie: Plots with a View
Join the Youth Committee in a
great night out! Where:
Harbour City Funeral Home
665 High Street Lower Hutt
Monday 20 April 2009
Time: 6:30pm
The latest District 9940
April Newsletter
View by clicking
Calling all past Exchange
Students! The 50th
anniversary of Rotary Youth Exchange
for District 9940 is next year and a
Reunion is being held from 21-23
August 2009. If you were, or know
any past exchange students please
urge them to contact:
for more info.
2011 RWC Home Hosting
Anyone interested in
hosting International
Rotarians during the Rugby World
Cup, September - October 2011,
please contact Howard Tong. Ph
3848507 or 027 2012400, email or
send your Name, Address, Email and
Club to P O Box 11-835,
Wellington. See the attached flyer
for more details by

Dates for the Diary:
Monday 20th April
6:30pm, Movie: Plots with a
view. Harbour City Funeral Home,
High St, Lower Hutt
Wednesday 22nd April
No Lunch Meeting
Saturday 25th April
ANZAC Day Ceremony 9:30am War
Memorial Library
21st-24th June 100th
Rotary International Convention,
Birmingham, England
Tuesday 30th June
Starlight Express show
Please remember some important changes
to our timetable this week. The movie night
on Monday replaces our usual Wednesday
lunch meeting, so our next full
lunch meeting is 29th April. ANZAC
Day is this Saturday.
Special ANZAC Day Ceremony
At 9:30am Saturday 25th April,
representatives of our club will lay
a wreath during the Hutt City RSA
ANZAC Day Ceremony. Norman
Carter, our Club's last remaining
WW2 veteran will be part of our Club
delegation on this day.
Everyone is welcome to attend the
ceremony at the War Memorial Library
and support Norman and President
Linton on Saturday 25th.
It would be fantastic to get
a large Club turnout this Saturday.
Next week`s speaker is Lala
Lala is acting manager of
the Pacific Leprosy Foundation.
The Foundation (formerly
the Leprosy Trust Board) is a
national, charitable
organisation working
within New Zealand and the South
Pacific region. The Foundation
is nondenominational and
registered under the Charitable
Trusts Act 1957.
purpose of the Foundation is the
elimination of leprosy as a
public health risk in the
Pacific and the continuing care
of patients with disability or
social disadvantage due to past
active leprosy.
Leprosy is a chronic
infectious disease caused by
Mycobacterium leprae. It
affects the peripheral nerves and
the skin. It does not affect the
spinal cord or the brain. Leprosy
has a long incubation period, on
average 5-7 years, and is the most
complex and the most chronic of all
human bacterial diseases.
Leprosy continues to
be a serious challenge in most
developing countries, contributing
significantly to the physical and
social disability of the patients
afflicted. It remains a social and
medical problem in the Pacific
President Linton`s Corner
Kia Ora, Last
Wednesday we toasted in Saki the
40th Anniversary of the Rotary Club
of Mino-o and PP Alan Brown took the
opportunity to present me with the
"Mino-o Ceremonial Plate" as well as
the Rotary Silver Jubilee Water Jug.
This jug was designed and
produced by Gray`s Pottery, Hanley,
England and is one of a numbered
limited edition released in 1930.
Our Jug is No.144 and is signed
by A E Gray the founder of the
Pottery and founder member of
the Stoke on Trent Rotary Club.
Reference to The Rotary
International Archive History
reveals that The Paul Harris Museum
(Chicago) has one on display
numbered 98 and twelve others around
the World ranging in numbers from
No.12 to No.233 including the Rotary
Club of Taradale, NZ (No.205) - it
also appears that the Rotary Club of
Invercargill has a similar jug but
the jug number is not known.
It's not known how many were
produced but speaking
statistically, it would appear to be
no more than 300 and maybe as
few as 250. The Rotary Archive
has no record of our jug No.144 and
it seems that NZ has three of only
fourteen known Rotary Silver Jubilee
Water Jugs left in the World !!!
So how did our Club acquire such
an iconic piece of Rotary History ?
Club Minutes dated the 11th
February, 1985 state: "Letter to be
sent to Earle Cunningham re donation
of Paul Harris mug." Our
long-serving former Secretary Les
Pearce advises that Earle and his
wife Valda operated an antique shop
in the State Fire building in
Andrews Avenue for many years and it
came into the shop one day.
The Jug was then supposed to
have been passed on to each new Club
President but it has gone "walk
about " from time to time over the
years. Our Club is
very privileged to own such a
priceless rarity.
Linton Adams
The Hutt City Rotary Clubs' Rare
Jubilee Jug!
The Water Jug #98 on the desk
of Paul Harris, in the Paul Harris
Gallery, RI Center, Evanston,
Chicago, USA.
AE Gray (1871-1959), designer
and producer of the limited edition
Silver Jubilee water pitcher. (note
the Rotary Pin)
To celebrate Rotary's Silver
Jubilee in 1930, Edward Gray
designed and produced this
commemorative water jug. Printed in
silver on a cream base. The
Jug features the portrait of
Rotary's founder Paul Harris and
landmarks in Rotary on one side. Six
flags and a list of the countries in
which Rotary Clubs had been
established on the other. Edward
Gray had been a founding member of
the Stoke on Trent Rotary Club in
1927 and was managing director of
the pottery company bearing his
Link to the Rotary Global History
website, featuring the Paul Harris
desk HERE
Link to the Gray's Pottery
If you have any more to
contribute to the story of our
Rotary Jubilee Jug please send a
note to President Linton
Club Birthdays and Anniversaries
Club Birthdays :
22nd April Glen Evans
22nd April Pat Prescott
Famous Birthdays:
20th April 1949 Jessica
Lange 20th April 1889 Adolf
Club Anniversaries :
22nd April Dave Belcher
Sunday walk on the River Trail
There was another great turnout
for the Rivertrail walk on Sunday.
Here are some photos.
Robin Maud hears the
story of "Robin's Way"
Afternoon Tea
Charles Peterson "Tidy
Susan Boyle on the Net:
Tens of millions of people have
downloaded her clip "I Dreamed A
Dream" from Britans Got Talent on
Youtube but have you heard her
singing "Cry Me A River" from a 1999
Scottish charity CD? It's just been
re-discovered. You can be the first
to hear it!
Club member duties
Date |
29th April 09 |
6th May 09 |
Speaker |
Lala Gittoes |
Geoff Bascand |
Subject |
Leprosy Foundation |
Introduce Speaker |
Robert Dong |
Glen Evans |
Thank Speaker |
Harvey Reid |
Brian Ross |
Thought |
Robin Maud |
Ian Mills |
Sergeant |
Bruce Gough
Sue Mills |
Box |
Neil Manthel |
Robin Maud |
Grace |
Glen Evans
Ron Francis |
Remember if you can't do your assigned
club duty, then it is your
responsibility to find a replacement. |