Welcome to
the Paul Harris Office "Gallery" which was once in RI Center in Evanston. In this room,
which was on the 18th floor of the world headquarters, (right), you
could have found a
collection of souvenirs, gifts & other items acquired by Paul Harris
over many years.
In Rotary
Center in Evanston, the office which was used by Paul Harris as
President Emeritus, had been re-created. It contained many souvenirs
from his journeys round the Rotary world, as well as gifts and awards
presented to him and photographs of other distinguished Rotarians. The room,
shown below, in 2010,
no longer exists.

This part of our website shows you some of the
items which had been on show.
The entire room was removed in 2014. This
website with dozens of pages is the only public record. The items are in
storage and may be shown, from time to time at One Rotary Center.
RGHF Gallery contains a large number of photographs of people, events, and
scenes some of which we have not reproduced on this site as yet because
we do not wish to infringe any photographer's copyright.
This advice
comes from the Legal Department of RI even though almost all are at
least 60 years old, and most over 70.