Carlos Canseco Obituary


Dear Family & Amigos of Rotary:

File:Carlos Canseco Gonzalez.jpgIt is with a sad heart that I inform you of the passing of my Amigo & everybody's Rotary Amigo Past R.I. President Carlos Canseco in Monterrey Mexico on Wednesday, January 14, 2009.

Many of you are aware that Carlos had been confined for the last 18 months to the hospital where he gave most of his professional life where he had the best medical attention and the daily visit of his wife Maria Aurora and family members. 

I was able to visit Carlos on different occasions flying from Mexico City to Monterrey Mexico. Many other Rotarians did likewise. We knew that death was imminent but it was still a shock when we were informed. I flew from Mexico City to Monterrey immediately to join the Rotary Family to pay my respects and be with Maria Aurora, Carlos Canseco's devoted wife and children who never left him alone during his lengthily illness which started with a stroke and then complications set in.

The Rotary Family would be proud to see how hundreds of persons from all walks of life paid their respects. Carlos Canseco was one of the most highly respected Mexicans having received all kinds of honors for both his professional and humanitarian work both in and outside of Rotary. It was moving to see the outpour of love shown to Carlos & his family by the hundreds who attended the different services in his honor. After being all the afternoon of the 14th to midnight at a large mortuary where visitations and respects to the family was made by hundreds of friends. The next morning once again hundreds were able to go and pay their respects when his casket was taken to the State Capital of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon for a Honor Guard Ceremony given only to the most distinguished citizens. The state governor of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon spoke of the many reasons Mexico was proud of their distinguished citizen. Carlos Canseco an outstanding member of the Who's Who of Mexico because of his many leadership activities in sports, civic activities, humanitarian projects and his medical profession.. Carlos also had an honor guard ceremony at the School of Medicine and the University Hospital of Nuevo Leon where he gave most of his professional life up to 18 months ago. The Special Mass also attended by hundreds was moving with the presence of his family members where his grandchildren offered up prayers for their grandfather.

I was glad to be accompanying so many of our Rotary Family where R.I. Director Jose Alfredo Sepulveda along with Past R.I. Director Francisco "Paco" Creo plus many past, present and incoming governors and club presidents led the Rotary Delegation. All the leadership of Rotary participated with a moving honor guard ceremony where tribute was paid to Carlos for his outstanding work in Rotary as well as in other humanitarian endeavors. It was brought out how Carlos being president in 1984 / 85 with his board was able to direct & focus the attention of R.I. to the importance task of eradicating Polio. This was the start of our Worldwide Polio Plus Program which brought together the Family of Rotary with a common priority cause that has given us so much worldwide recognition for saving the children of the world from the scourges of Polio. 

I have said it many times, that thanks in great part to Carlos Canseco's efforts Rotary moved into the "Major Leagues" of world '.

How I wish the family of Rotary could have seen the coverage given to the passing of Carlos in the Mexican Media. Nationwide television on the most viewed programs gave a review of his life and work where Rotary also received high recognition.

I made it a point to personally express to Maria Aurora Canseco and her children the condolences of so many in the leadership of Rotary who asked me to personally give them to the Canseco Family.

It was an honor for me to have a special relationship with Carlos as I served him as his Secretary / Aide for his Rotary Affairs in Mexico during his period as President of R.I. Many are those in The Family of Rotary worldwide who along with me can also remember how they served one of Rotary's most loved and respected past presidents. 

Viva Rotary and Viva Carlos Canseco!
Your Amigo in Mexico City,

Frank Devlyn

Past President of Rotary International

Below is a different message I sent to the Spanish Speaking Rotary Family in Spanish


Estimada Familia de Rotary:

Espero que recibieron mi mensaje enviado el dia 14 de Enero a los Rotarios que tengo listados sus correros electronicos que anexo a este mensaje.

Me es dificil expresar a ustedes la emocion que senti al acompanar a la Familia Rotaria, al estar presente en los servicios funerarios de nuestro querido Carlos Canseco sin lugar a dudas uno de los mas destacados ex presidentes que ha tenido Rotary International , pero deseo tratar de compartir algunos detalles de su sepelio. 

Lo admirable que fue ver a su querida esposa Maria Aurora con todos sus hijos, nietos y bisnietos. Lo impactante de ver a cientos de personas desfilar por el velatorio como tambien la ceremonia ofrecida en honor del Dr. Canseco por parte de las autoridades del Gobierno Estatal de Nuevo Leon en el palacio de gobierno con su cuerpo presente donde todas las maximas autoridades hicieron distintas Guardias de Honor, donde el Gobernador del Estado de Nuevo Leon, Natividad Gonzalez Parras hablo de lo mucho que le debia la humanidad a tan gran personaje, historico principalmente para nosotros los Rotarios. Lo mismo sucedio en su querida Hospital de la Universidad de Nuevo Leon. Pude presenciar el desfiladero de cintos de personas en el velatorio donde los Rotarios le hicimos una emotiva Guardia de Honor y pudimos varios expresar nuestro sentimientos por su muerte como dar reconocimiento por lo mucho que hizo por su comunidad, Mexico y el Mundo a traves de Rotary a todos los niveles y lo maximo siendo el enfoque que nos encamino en nuestra continua batalla para erradicar la poliomielitis que gracias a Alianzas con las Naciones Unidas, la Organizacion Mundial de Salud, Gobiernos, etc. Fue muy emotiva la misa con su cuerpo presente donde tambien acudieron cientos de personas incluyendo la Familia Rotaria encabezado por nuestro director Jose Alfredo Sepulveda  y past director Paco Creo ademas de un significativo grupo de Gobernadores Actuales y Anteriores como representantes de su propio y distintos distritos de Mexico para acompanar a sus familiares para darle el ultimo adios a nuestro ex presidente mundial de Rotary que tuvo la distincion de ser el primer Mexicano para ocupar dicho puesto que dio honor a Nuestro Mexico.

La cobertura por los maximos periodicos de Monterrey como de Mexico ademas de la Television Nacional han llevado un reporte de la trayectoria de nuestra maximo lider Rotario en sus distintas facetas de una vida increible donde sin lugar a dudas Carlos Canseco dejo huella. Dio gusto ver a las esquelas por parte de Clubes y distritos como de Rotarios que aparecieron con los de tantos que llenaron los periodicos de Monterrey y la Cd. De Mexico como seguramente sucedio en otras ciudades de Mexico.

Que descanses en Paz Mi Querido Carlos Canseco. Fue un honor servirte como tu Secretario para todas tus actividades en Mexico y como muchos Rotarios te agradezco tu orientacion que siempre me diste como a tantos Rotarios a nivel mundial.

Un abrazo y acompano a tantos Rotarios a nivel mundial que en estos dias estan ofreciendo sus oraciones para Carlos Canseco y su familia y tenemos la plena conviccion del mas alla nuestro inolvidable Carlos Canseco que con respeto le llamaba yo y muchos con carino "su santidad" estara contento en saber que seguimos Impulsando a Rotary de nuestras muchas trincheras a todos los niveles de Rotary..

Viva Rotary y Viva Carlos Canseco,
Su amigo en la Ciudad de Mexico,

Frank Devlyn

Ex Presidente de Rotary International

Estimada Familia Rotaria:

Es con gran tristeza y profundo pesar que les informo que nuestro querido Doctor Carlos Canseco nos ha dejado el dia de hoy, 14 de Enero, en la Ciudad de Monterrey.

Carlos Canseco fue de los Presidentes de Rotary International mas destacados que haya tenido nuestra organizacion a nivel mundial. A nivel internacional se ha acunado la frase "Rotary Antes de Carlos Canseco y Rotary Despues de Carlos Canseco"

Como Presidente de Rotary International, Carlos Canseco llevo a nuestra organizacion a las ligas mayores con el impulso que dio al Programa Polio Plus. Gracias a Carlos y a su gran trabajo medico y humanitario, millones de ninos en el mundo, no sufren mas de las secuelas de la poliomielitis. Honor a quien gran honor merece.

Nos unimos con respeto y carino a su esposa Maria Aurora y toda su familia, elevando nuestras oraciones ante Dios por su eterno descanso.


Frank Devlyn

Ex Presidente de Rotary International



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