Paul Harris. One specific way to remember the
anniversary of
Paul Harris' death is to check if your own club is properly
registered and planning Rotary International Centennial activities.
Has your club actually registered a Centennial Community Project?
(Over 5000 clubs have already done so, and you can still do it.)
Have you created and registered a Centennial Twin Club? Are you
making plans for next year's Centennial Volunteer Month? Planning
to attend the Centennial Convention in Chicago? Joining in the
Centennial Parade in Chicago? Writing a club history? Planning to
take part in the United Nations Centennial Peace Seminar?
Organizing a public information, billboard, media program to tell
the public what Rotary is and does? Planning to have one club
meeting each month next year dedicated to some Rotary Centennial
History program? And planning many other Centennial activities. To
give proper honor to our founder -- let's all make the 100th
Anniversary of Rotary one of distinction, significance, and
dignity. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Cliff Dochterman, Chairman RI Centennial Operations
Committee (submitted to Rotary Global History by Past RI President Cliff
Dochterman 1992-93 on the 57th anniversary of the passing of Rotary
founder Paul P. Harris.)