"Frank Talk Gems"

"Frank Talk Gems"
"Frank Talk Gems" is a former feature of Rotary Global History. This feature is based on the work of Past Rotary International President (2000-01), Rotary Foundation Chair (2005-06), and RGHF member Frank Devlyn, Mexico.

His books can be ordered at www.FrankTalkBooks.com
with profits going to the Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
2000 Devlyn
RIP Frank Devlyn on Peace in 2006
Speech at the 2008 RGHF Meeting
Frank Talk
Frank Talk Gems - January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
Frank Talk Gems - 2008 July
Frank Talk Gems - August 2008
Our hope is that you will add the three FRANK TALK BOOKS to your library and after reading them - send us your favorite GEM to publish. Tell us what page and which book the GEM came from and if you wish - add your personal comment.

The Frank Talk books can be ordered individually or in quantity at: www.frankdevlyn.org/franktalk.htm The three Frank Talk Books have now sold over 300 thousand copies in eight (8) languages at “No Cost to Rotary” and all of the sales profits going to Our Rotary Foundation.

An eight year review of all RGHF features: December 2008

RGHF Rotary Minute for December 2008. For over eight years, RGHF has been serving Rotarians with regular weekly Rotary related features. These features have been valuable to YOU, in part, because they convey the common experience and heritage of nearly 104 years of Rotary. What these features and the tens of thousands of articles on our 3,000 page website have in common is our shared value of Service above Self, the Four Way Test, and our entire history (plus the contributions and input from individual Rotarians).

As RGHF celebrates eight fruitful years of service to Rotary, we ask each recipient (YOU) of this month’s combined feature to send this on to all past, present, and future Rotary club, district, and zone officers so that our work may help them with retention.

As RGHF future president Frank Longoria, USA, wrote in his monthly RGHF report: The motivating force behind this endeavor is the belief that Rotarians who have a clear understanding of Rotary history are infinitely more likely to remain as Rotarians for life and are more inclined to contribute generously to the Rotary Foundation.

Our efforts in meeting our objectives will continue and even intensify during the coming months. I encourage all DGs who read this message to please include information on RGHF in their monthly newsletters. It will take all of us together to be successful in reaching the goals of our organization. Frank Longoria, Chair PR/Membership Committee

THE FIRST RGHF What Paul Harris Said 30 December 2001. Since the beginning of civilization, there has been a surplus of sayers of things. If there is any one particular in which I would have Rotary distinguished from other organizations, it is in the quality of character which results in the doing of things. Paul Harris, Message to the 1921 RI Convention in Edinburgh, Scotland.

THE FIRST RGHF Our Foundation Newsletter 1 March 2001. We want to provide a forum for your ideas on making Rotary more responsive to our community, our world and its people. PRID Lynn Hammond, USA, from the first newsletter.

THE FIRST RGHF Why I am a Rotarian 7 January 2006 Why I Am

Why I Am a Rotarian - The reasons change with passing time. In 1950, it was because two businessmen I respected had invited me to join, and the leading business and professional men in town elected me to membership in the Rotary Club of California, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Past RI President Chuck Keller, USA

THE FIRST RGHF Rotary Global History Day 23 November 2008 11 October RGHF has started a program to recognize club histories, to encourage the study of history at the club level.

THE FIRST RGHF Frank Talk Gems 1 January 2008. One of the most amazing things about the success of Rotary is that it is achieved entirely by volunteers. It all starts because one Rotarian wants something to happen, not because some boss tells him or her to do it, or to fulfill a mission statement that is posted on a wall somewhere. Every success­ful project that Rotary has ever accomplished has begun at the grass roots level in the minds and hearts of individual Rotarians. Frank Talk I, p. 106

RGHF member Steve Wright, California, USA put it this way: Never thought about the link between history and growth, but it certainly makes sense. Easier to have high enthusiasm when something is new as opposed to Main St. Thanks for the new perspective, gives me something to chew on.

Yours in service through history,

Joe Kagle, RGHF President 2007/2009

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