The 26th Convention, Mexico City June 17-21

The 26th Convention, Mexico City June 17-21

with 5,330 in attendance

Robert E. Lee Hill, Columbia, Missouri  For the 30th Anniversary,

Paul Harris wrote: Rotary is 30 Years Old   President Hill's home page  

Hill's Biography   Hill's Program of Work




Regarding the video, above. It is courtesy of the RI Archives, and also RGHF member Angel Jimenez, RC of Houston USA: "At the close of the Wednesday plenary session, shortly after noon, President Emeritus Paul P. Harris, at the invitation of the Department of Forestry of the Mexican Government, planted a "Tree of Friendship" in Chapultepec Park. A committee from the Rotary club of Mexico City headed by Rotarian Carlos Contreras, and other residents of the capital interested in forest conservation, accompanied him and witnessed the ceremony." Also, note the "Round Trip Ticket" also from Angel Jimenez

Hill, Secretary Perry and others at RI and Mexico City.


RI Archives


Left side: pencil notes reads (?): Paul Harris address extra good. He said he had spoke to several crowd but this one was the height  he said traveling was the best cure for friendship. he said he admired the scenery mountains + climate of Mexico but best of all the people + most beautiful building [...]  - Right side: Program for Monday, June 17 (4:10 p.m. Message -Paul P. Harris*)



Mexico's President Lazaro Cardenas addresses the opening session of the convention

President Hill and his successor


RI Archives


left to right: Donald A. Adams, Rusell F. Greiner, Glenn C. Mead, Paul P. Harris (PH attended and addressed the Mexico Convention himself during his "Peregrinations")



Program of the twenty-sixth annual convention with blank pages for memoranda


RI Archives



We have found a booklet (48 pages) which was written by E. L. Curran and entitled "Some Pages of Mexican History", Special Edition Dedicated to the CONVENTION OF ROTARIES Celebrated in Mexico in 1935 (the paragraph  "An Old Deal" was of special interest; very straight forward considering that probably most of the guests were Americans)*

Researched by Historian Dr. Wolfgang Ziegler.

Vocational Service


What Can be Done to Convince the Individual Rotarian of His Responsibility in Vocational Service?


Edwin Robinson, Sheffield, England

Between June 17th and 21st 1935, Rotary held its first Latin-American Convention took place in Mexico City. 5,332 attended the Convention and were welcomed by The President of Mexico Lazaro Cardenas who addressed Rotarians in his native tongue with translations courtesy of District Governor Ernesto J Aguilar. The President went on to say how proud Mexico was to have the Rotary movement present in its capital city.

Paul Harris attended this Convention and spoke to delegates. (read the entire address) Harris told of how it was a joy to meet friends in unaccustomed places. "God must have loved mankind when he created friends for them", he told his audience. Harris talked of his many visits to all parts of the globe, from Hawaii to Japan and China; from Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania to The Philippines. All of these countries were full of friends. Paul also told of how he had visited Mexico 9 years earlier with Harry and Mrs Rogers. They were met at the border by Chelino and Roda Garza who acted as both interpreters and guides. Paul planted a tree in his garden in memory of Chelino and Roda Garza.

"Mexico is a land of beauty; it has been singularly blessed by nature", Harris said before ending his message by quoting Burns' famous poem (referred to in his 1933 radio message) A Man's A Man For A' That.

Another Radio broadcast occurred in 1935 with Harris and Vice-President Walter Head starring. President Hill also spoke on radio to publicize National Youth Week.

In the field of literature, Jim Davidson's wife Lillian wrote extensively in The Rotarian of her travels with her husband as he spread the words of Rotary throughout the world. Paul Harris book This Rotarian Age was also published. The work was published after President Hill had spoken to Secretary Perry and discovered a manuscript of Harris' giving his interpretation of the founding of Rotary and upon Hill's recommendation, the Board of Directors authorised publication. It was on sale to all for a price of $11.50.

The Foundation advanced with Arch Klumph recommending that Immediate Past President's of Rotary International -along with other RI Past President's - serve as trustees. This recommendation still stands with Past Presidents of RI serving as Rotary Foundation Trustees.


Calum Thomson

President Emeritus Paul P. Harris 

Paul P. Harris began his message to the convention with the following words:

"President Bob, Chairman Ed, Ladies and Fellow Rotarians: During the last thirty years it has been my privilege to visit Rotary clubs in various parts of the world and to speak to audiences both high and low, but I am prepared to say that this is certainly the highest audience (in altitude) that it has ever been my privilege to address. The folks who are sitting in that top layer never will go any higher while they are on this earth, for they will have to be angels in order to accomplish it."

At the close of the Wednesday [June 19] plenary session, shortly after noon, President Emeritus Paul P. Harris, at the invitation of the Department of Forestry of the Mexican government, planted a "Tree of Friendship" in Chapultepec Park.

Special assistance was given by the secretariat to the inter-American broadcast arranged by the Rotary Clubs of Schenectady, New York and Buenos Aires, Argentina, at which President Emeritus Paul P. Harris and Vice-President Walter Head spoke as representatives of Rotary International.

President Emeritus Paul P. Harris, the founder of Rotary, has made another large contribution to the welfare and advancement of Rotary International, in that he has written a book entitled "This Rotarian Age," which is not merely a recital of what happened in 1905 or the years immediately following but is an interesting story of Rotary of yesterday, of today, and of tomorrow. In an accurate, fair, discerning and appreciative manner he has analyzed what has happened in Rotary, what is happening and what is likely to happen. [From the report of the secretary Chesley R. Perry]

Paul Harris with many of the past presidents.


Mrs. Lillian Dow Davidson

The articles by Mrs. Lillian Dow Davidson, wife of Rotary International's late honorary commissioner, Jim Davidson, which appeared in the Rotarian during 1930, '31 and '32, were brought out in January last in book form. Mrs. Davidson gave generously of her time in revising her original articles. Many favourable comments have been received relative to the value of Mrs. Davidson's interpretation of the peoples of the Near and Far East, the splendid appearance of the book and its usefulness in giving new members a world-wide perspective of the Rotary movement. [From the report of the secretary Chesley R. Perry]

Wolfgang Ziegler


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