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Rotary Global History Fellowship



WHY I AM A ROTARIAN?                                                                           By: Rosey Wong

September 2009



I learnt about Rotary Clubs in Singapore when I first began my Travel Agent Career in 1969.  In those days Rotary Clubs were for men only. 

When my family & I came to San Francisco, CA USA in 1985 I heard from my friends in Singapore that Rotary was now admitting women.  I was very excited, but did not want to wait to be invited, so I called 2 Rotary Clubs - Oakland #3 & San Francisco #2 because I worked in San Francisco and lived in the Oakland Hills. This was in 1987.  After 4 months my application was approved and I was officially introduced on February 2, 1988. At the same meeting I learnt about Rotary’s pledge to eradicate Polio. I am pleased to know that only four countries have Polio today. 

My first R I convention was in May 1989 to Seoul, Korea with my first close Rotary friend Kay Clarke.  My first International Service Project was Rotaplast in 1990 when I was a Rotary Volunteer to La Serena, Chile. In those days Rotaplast was part of SFO Rotary #2 Club. Today it is a separate entity.  

My first Club Service Project was fundraising for SFO Boys & Girls Club at our Annual Fundraising Dinner & Dance. Being in the Travel Business I donated airline tickets from Malaysian Airlines & Singapore Airlines and hotel packages from the Hotels I represented in Singapore & Malaysia. 

I was having a ball and making new friends and attending almost all the R I conventions every year and was a speaker at the SFO Career Day and Camp Enterprise. I have enjoyed speaking since I was a School Teacher before becoming a Travel Professional & Master Cruise Counselor.  

Why I am a Rotarian? I enjoy the fellowship with Rotarians around the world and that is why I joined the International Fellowship of Travel Agents in 1993 and became the Chair in 1995.  I have hosted GSE Teams from Taiwan and Youth Exchange students from Germany. 

I am a Multiple Paul Harris Fellow, Charter Member of Bequest Society, Charter Member of Paul Harris Society of  D-5160, Major Donor and a Benefactor.  

Can you tell me which organization can allow you to make a meeting in Cairo, Egypt where women were 2nd class citizens?  Everywhere I make up I am asked to say a few words about my club and what we do. I have never felt so respected and treated as an equal.  

I am proud to be a Rotarian and that is why I have sponsored many of my friends and Business associates to Rotary. Besides promoting world understanding Rotary is a means to help others less fortunate than you and a great opportunity to improve your business. 

Rosey Wong (aka Rosey S B Tan)

Rotary Club of San Francisco #2, CA USA   D5150

RGHF Member since 2009


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