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"We live in the present, we dream of the future,

 but we learn from the past."

WierzbaMy name is Susan Wierzba and I am Vice President of Lubbock Metropolitan Rotary Club. I thought I would take a few minutes to share with you Why I am a Rotarian...

I remember sitting in my brother Peter's office, three years ago. I was holding a rejection letter in my hand from the Peace Corps medical staff. I was rejected because two years prior I had been bitten by a brown recluse spider and I almost lost my arm. They told me that if I ever required medical attention it would not be available in any of the places that I would be sent to. There is nothing worse than being rejected by an organization that you were willing to volunteer for. I was absolutely devastated.

My brother knew I had a servants heart. So, he asked me to go with him to have breakfast at a club that was known for their volunteer efforts. It was a Rotary Club. That is when I met my new family, Lubbock Metro Rotary. They welcomed me with open arms and never looked beyond my heart. Both my brother and my Rotary Club brought new life back to me and gave me purpose again. But what it did more than all of that. It gave me HOPE, hope in a new tomorrow and I haven't stopped since. Rotary is a place where you meet new people and make new friends, you work with them, laugh with them and cry with them. You work on many projects that make a difference in so many lives.

I like being part of an organization that focuses on helping humanity and fostering peace here in our own communities and all over the world. I see Rotary as an opportunity for me to help others, and also do something good for the generations to come. Locally, it gives me the opportunity provide a meal to someone who is hungry, a learning center to teach children in a different way, to help a child read or to give that child the first book to call their very own. Rotary is an awesome organization and I am proud to be a Rotarian. I have learned respect for the individual and to care for the well-being of others. I have learned not only the value of tolerance, but to celebrate diversity. I have learned to listen to others, to value their opinions, and to work together in cooperation towards a common goal. Rotary has taught me that every person, regardless of their situation or circumstances, has something to offer to humanity.

I believe that every individual here has the capacity for caring and the capacity for working in solidarity to alleviate human suffering and contribute to human dignity. This is what defines US, and this is what makes US Rotarians. I believe it is OUR responsibility as Rotarians to help others less fortunate than ourselves. We all know that we can make a difference. Rotary is on the brink of eradicating polio from the face of the Earth.

How close are we? We are THAT close and it will happen in my lifetime. By creating a sense of cohesion and solidarity within society, Rotary can help communities build social capital all over the world. It converts one persons ideas into a collective action and then that action is directed towards a social cause, whether it be eradicating Polio or building water wells in Africa... It allows for social mobilization and organization within the community during disasters. It also offers a means for people to show that they are valued and reaffirms everyone has an important place in society. It can build a sense of self-worth, and a true feeling of pride. It shows us everyday that we can all contribute to create a better world. Rotary has changed my life. It has offered me the ability to give, care and share which is now our District's mantra...it gives me the ability to give of my time, care about my fellowman and share the spirit of Rotary with everyone I meet , wherever I go. Why I am a Rotarian...
Susan Wierzba is a member of RC of Lubbock Metropolitan, D 5730, Zone 27 and a member of RGHF
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