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Helen Austin |
An award winning Canadian
singer/songwriter, Helen Austin, has given permission for RGHF to feature this wonderful song, celebrating 25 years of Women and Rotary. Helen is an honorary member of RGHF. ![]() |
25 years ago men
realized what we already know For it was time that they showed they needed women Rotarians There were some big shoes to fill but shoes they always give us a thrill Even when we’re paying the bill cause we are women Rotarians Chorus We’re all heart we’re Rotarian women We know where to start we’re Rotarian women The old boys club ain't what it used to be It’s better now cause we’re in Rotary Is it true and is it fair will it build good will will it show we care Ya, We’ll do all this and do it with flare Cause we are women Rotarian We listen to all points of view We’re not afraid to deal with the issues When someone's sad we always got tissues Cause we’re women Rotarians Chorus We’re all heart we’re Rotarian women We know where to start we’re Rotarian women The old boys club ain't what it used to be It’s better now cause we’re in Rotary Bridge We’re not afraid we will make the grade So we’re not Rotary Anns anymore and it’s time to give us the floor But give us a shout 'cause we want more Women Rotarians Chorus We’re all heart we’re Rotarian women We know where to start we’re Rotarian women Doing it together, Rotarian women Whatever the weather, Rotarian women The old boys club ain't what it used to be It’s better now cause we’re in Rotary Rotarian women Rotarian women We're Rotarian women |
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