Anne Matthews

Anne Matthews
 Female Trustee First recipient of the Betsy Demaray Award, Sydney 2014
It is with great pride and pleasure I am introducing the second woman Rotary Foundation Trustee and the third woman elected to serve as a Rotary International Board Member (2012-14). She is also the first woman Foundation Trustee and the first woman Rotary International Board member from my Zone (33). She also was elected as the first women Vice President of Rotary for 2013/14

If you had the opportunity to speak with Anne Matthews of Columbia, SC, you would know what a charming Southern lady she is. Takes you right back to the "Gone with the Wind" movie. My husband and I had the pleasure of dining with her at the Zone 33-34 Institute in Raleigh, NC in October 1998, when she was the Governor Nominee from District 7770. Ever since, we have been meeting at the Zone Institutes and also when she came to speak at our District Foundation Seminars.

Dr. Anne L. Matthews is president of Matthews and Associates, an educational firm in Columbia, SC. She has three earned degrees, including a doctorate from the University of South Carolina. She is an educator by profession, an author of business texts, and a public speaker. She served as president of several national educational organizations and served on numerous boards, including her undergraduate alma mater, Coker College. She is the recipient of several honors including ones from the YWCA, Girl Scouts of America, key to Lake City, SC, Distinguished Alumni Award, Hall of Fame from Florence County School District 3, National Business Education’s Distinguished Service Award, and Leadership SC. She received two appointments from President Ronald Reagan. Anne has spoken and/or consulted in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and 20 foreign countries on educational issues and/or the Rotary Foundation. (Shown on the left with RGHF DG 13/14 Lorraine Angelino, who inducted Anne into RGHF. Both are seen wearing their RGHF membership pins.)

Anne is the past president of the Rotary Club of Columbia East and served as District Governor of D7770 in 1999-2000. She completed a three-year term as the District’s Foundation chair in June, 2006, and during the 2006 Rotary year, D7770 was ranked as number one in the world in Annual Giving and number seven in total giving to the Foundation. Anne initiated the Paul Harris Society in 2005-06, the Centennial year, and District 7770 secured 125 chartered members. Anne completed a three-year term as the Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator for Zone 33 June, 2009.

Anne served: as a National Adviser for the Rotary Foundation Permanent Fund; was appointed by the presidents of Rotary International to Zone Chair for the Hunger Task Force and the Rotary Community Corps Task Force; served in 2004-05 and 2005-06 as a trainer for incoming governors at the International Assembly in Anaheim; represented D7770 as a delegate to the Council on Legislation in 2004; served as the Moderator for the Interfaith Service for the COL in Chicago in 2004; served on the Zones 33 and 34 Executive Committee in 2004-05 as the Program Chair and as General Chair for the Atlanta Institute in 2006; represented the President of Rotary International as a President’s Representative at several district conferences; spoke and/or facilitated sessions at Rotary International Conventions and Pre-Institutes, and served as chair of the Findings Committee for the 2010 International Institute in Montreal.

Anne was appointed by RI Presidents D. K. Lee and John Kenney to serve as the Lead Seminar Trainer at the International Assembly in San Diego in January, 2008, and in 2009. She is presently serving as a member of TRF’s Future Vision Plan Committee during ’09-’12. In May 2010, Anne was nominated by RIPE Ray Klinginsmith and elected by the RI Board to serve as a member of The Rotary Foundation Board of Trustees. In September 2010, Anne was elected by the Zone 33 Nominations Committee to serve as Rotary International Director for Zones 33 and 34, effective July 1, 2012.

Anne is a sustaining member, multiple Paul Harris Fellow, Major Donor, charter member of the Bequest Society and the Paul Harris Society, Benefactor, and a Ten Star Rotarian.

Anne received The Rotary Foundation’s Citation for Meritorious Service, The Rotary Foundation’s Distinguished Service Award, and Rotary International’s highest honor, the Service Above Self award. In 2006, she was honored as D7770’s Rotarian of the Year.

Anne is from Zones 33 and 34, and will also serve on the RI board of directors effective July 1, 2012 - 14

Tin Tin Nu Raschid
Governor 1996-97
RGHF Board Member for Women and Rotary

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