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Presentations by RGHF Speakers |
Chairman of the RGHF Board 2011/12 Tim Tucker, UK, addresses the Rotaract pre convention in Los Angeles. At his left, is RGHF zone representative PDG Irène Lewitt |
Rotaract Preconvention
13th June 2008
From Rotaract to Rotary – A Personal History Rtn Tim Tucker D1070 Rotaract Officer 2006-2009 Rotary Global History Fellowship - Rotaract Coordinator
Good afternoon to you all.
And thank you Mary Kathryn for your kind introduction.
When President Wilkinson asked me to speak of my own road from
Rotaract to Rotary I didn’t realise that this could be summed up
in a couple of sentences.
Two days ago, on
Wednesday afternoon, District Rotaract Representative Gill Wood
and I were up on
Well, 103 years of Rotary, 40 years of Rotaract (we’re catching
up) and now we are here for the 99th Rotary
Next year, the 100th
Convention in
One of my favourite films, a great English film from 1985, is
‘Clockwise’, starring John Cleese of Monty Python fame.
I looked it up on Amazon earlier in the week and it’s
$10 to $12 if you are interested.
In the film, John is a school headmaster and a meticulous
timekeeper. He is
due to be speaking at the Head Teachers conference in
Strangely enough, 10 years ago, while I was Chairman of the
Board of Governors of my daughters
infants school (Oh,
Robyn and Marifleur send their best wishes to everyone
who was at Salt Lake City last June), one of the teachers
made it through to the regional final of BBC Television’s
‘Teacher of the year’ competition.
As my wife Joan and I had just taken delivery of a new 6
seat car, I was asked to drive the group from the school.
Just like in the film Clockwise, the awards ceremony was in
Coming to
Probably also just like John Cleese in the film, just over 2
years ago I had never considered attending a Rotary Convention.
I hadn’t even considered taking on a District role until
just before 9.00pm one March evening, while on a train into
Tie and Rotary theme badge for the coming year were posted
through my home letterbox early the next morning – so, no chance
to change my mind!
18 months ago Rotarian David Morris, District 1070’s Membership
Officer, suggested I attend the
My daughters and I had a marvellous time in
In 1070 we also used
presentations from last years Preconvention Rotaract awards at
meeting of our Rotary Club’s Rotaract Officers.
When President Wilkinson invited me to speak today, I thought I
ought to let my District Governor know.
I emailed DG Tony (Martin) and the reply came back by
return ‘Do you need help from the District Training Officer?’
Actually a very sensible suggestion for me, and the offer
was most appreciated.
I am very honoured to be here today.
I was born in ’57 in Epsom hospital and lived a few miles away
in Chessington at the southern edge of
Life has lots of, what are seemingly, coincidences. Buying my
train ticket to the airport last Saturday from Huntingdon in
Cambridgeshire I was told at the ticket office that I could save
£20 (about US $40) by buying a return ticket to Epsom rather
than a ticket to London Heathrow.
Heathrow is to the west of
I left School at the end of June ’74 and I started work as a
trainee dispensing optician on 1st July.
Since then Rotary and Rotaract have been a golden strand
running through my life.
For more on the Golden Strand have a look at the Rotary
Global History Fellowship website,
www.rghf.org , and do a search for the Golden Strand.
While at work in September 1974, John Goddard, a Rotarian since
1970 and Rotaract Committee Chairman of Epsom Rotary Club, told
me about the new Rotaract club they were just starting.
I was only 17 and so too young at the time to join.
Another Epsom Rotarian, Peter Wilson, worked with the same
company as John and myself and was the regional manager.
His son Tony became an early member as did yet another
trainee optician from a nearby town, Phil Belsey. In August
1976, now aged 19, I was told by Peter (
The Epsom Rotaract club’s first meetings were at Westhill House,
just outside Epsom town centre.
This was home to the Civil Defence Association and their
three remaining members. The association was a hang over from
the second world and the cold war.
There was no heating, apart from a tiny fire in the bar
area, and the upstairs was too dangerous to venture up into.
The drinks were particularly cheap though, and there was
no charge for the room hire.
Back then, asking any British Isles Rotarian involved at the
time with Rotaract about where Rotaract started, they would
usually say
When I became a Rotaractor at the end of 1976 my week consisted
of four full days working, one day and evening at college, and a
day and a half or two studying.
There was not a lot of time for anything else once I
returned home from work.
So at first I did little more than attend the fortnightly
Rotaract club meetings and had little time for all the other
Rotaract activities.
That was my start in Rotaract.
Coming home from (From My Road to Rotary, Chapter 10 – Paul Harris, 1947)
rapscallions of the
upon a time when a rapscallion friend of mine was serving an
apprenticeship at the depot he dared me to steal a ride on the
cowcatcher of the ten-thirty p.m. train; to ride as far as
had a thrilling ride through the mists of the night on the
rocking engine and what a thrill it was to dash in and out of
the covered bridge in the vicinity of
yes! rapscallions have many experiences and learn many things
which their elders do not know. Most naturally, they have to
keep much of their higher learning to themselves; their elders
would not understand it, nor could they be trusted. What, for
instance, would grandmother have said if I had told her not to
wait up for me on that memorable night; that Willie and I were
going to give ourselves an excursion on the cowcatcher. Better
by far to do as I did; that was, crawl through a window when the
sitting room clock announced the hour of ten p.m., join my
friend Willie, and then all aboard for Manchester”.
So, would Paul have been a Rotarator?
Most definitely! I feel it was the fun, adventures, and
fellowship that Paul shared while growing up in
In August of ‘77 I passed my professional examinations and had
more time for Rotaract.
I moved from being a quiet Rotaractor, through Chairman
of Vocational and Club Service committees, President and then
one of four Distict Vice-Chairman with responsibilities for 13
of the district’s 55 Rotaract clubs.
In the spring of ’91, while District Vice Chairman, I had a job
interview over coffee at
Twenty two years ago today, June 13th 1986, I became
29, and so had to leave Rotaract two weeks later.
At that time the age range for Rotaractors was 18 to 28.
I moved with my job in spring of the following year to St Ives
on the southern edge of the fenlands of
Every year since ’86, Epsom Rotaractors from my time meet up on
the last Saturday before Christmas for a meal together.
I visit Epsom Rotary Club about once a year, and the Rotarians I
know are hardly any older now than back in the 1980’s.
I also visited Epsom Rotaract Club a year and half ago.
They were different people and it was a different venue, not
surprisingly Westhill House was long gone in it’s 1970’s guise.
It was, however, a very similar style of meeting with
many activities and events going on.
I felt very much at home.
I’m also, very proud that the club is as active and
organised as it was in my time as a member all those years ago,
probably more so.
One Saturday afternoon in September ’95 The Reverend Owen Swan,
the rector of our Church near to St Ives, called in to our home
with Church treasurer things to ask me to do.
My wife Joan told Owen that I was at the Epsom Rotaract
Annual Reunion Picnic with our daughters Robyn and Marifleur.
“He was in Rotaract was he, he’d better come to Rotary”
was Owen’s reply.
So, in the autumn of ‘95 I was invited to join The Rotary Club
of St Ives - the first new member for, perhaps, 5 years.
Almost two years ago I joined the internet based Rotary
Fellowship Group ‘Rotary Global History Fellowship’ and
innocently put on my application form ‘Wouldn’t it be good to
see the history of Rotaract on the website as well’.
Last year Richard (Hyde), the District Governor from 2006-7 who
asked me to be the 1070 Rotaract Officer, was on one of the
convention buses at
Shortly after SLC I was asked to be Rotaract Coordinator for the
RGHF. Then in December I was elected to the board for 2008-09,
and in the spring, nominated and elected as Chairman of the RGHF
One of the strap lines the fellowship uses is ‘Slowly, we seek
to serve others…’.
From not a lot of information the project is moving along
well with Rotarctor Damien Harris of
The first posting from a Rotaractor went live last week when
Damien added the history of Rotaract in
RI Historian Robin Dillow has been digging though old Rotary
magazines for articles on Rotaract.
RI Rotaract Committee Chairman Irene (Lewitt) has also
been most helpful and supportive, as has Haris.
Irene mentioned something that she wasn’t sure was a
dream or not. This
was Rotaractors cycling across a canal in
Well, that’s some Rotaract worldwide things.
More locally for me recently has been the re-launch of
Huntingdon Rotaract Club a few weeks ago.
Along with other Rotarians and Rotaractors I was calling
on local businesses in my home town of
After about a dozen shops I went into Piggots the jewellers and
saw Yvonne. As soon
as I mentioned Rotaract her face lit up and she beamed ‘Rotaract
- the best years of my life’
One of my favourite musicians and groups of all time are Steve
Harley and Cockney Rebel. Look up their album from 1975.
‘You’ll think its magic’, it really is,
Rotary, Rotaract, they’re ‘the
best years of our lives’!
Enjoy Rotaract.
Enjoy Rotary. Make
a difference, and Make Dreams Real.
I’ll see you later and tomorrow, around the convention and at
the Rotary Global History Fellowship and Rotaract booths.
And then, BIRMINGHAM 2009!
Thank you. |