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1). The Rotary Club of Curitiba was the first to be based in the state of Parana, and was chartered on April 27, 1933.
At the time of founding of the Rotary Club of Curitiba, Rotary International had required that clubs only be created in more populous areas and cities.

However, Rotary’s Special Commissioner James H. Roth, arrived in the city on a day in March 1933 with the firm intention of organizing the club.
This was his second attempt to organize the club because some years before, more precisely in 1929, with the city still ignoring the existence of the then already remarkable institution, he explained to a group of some 10 people, with the heat of his convictions, the advantage and the need for a core of Rotarians in the city.

This second attempt was crowned with full success.

One of the most helped who encouraged James H. Roth in the organisation of the Club, both in the first, and in the second attempt, was Luiz Guimaraes, whose sheet of service to the Rotary is one of the brightest.

Francis L. Johnscher also exerted an important role in the preliminary work, especially in the composition more or less homogenous of the social framework, avoiding, with its recognized sense and their knowledge of the social environment, possible causes of personal susceptibilities that could jeopardize the happy enterprise.

This extract taken and edited from a Google translation of the history page of District 4730, with due acknowledgement. August 2008

2). The Rotary Club of San Luis, Maranhao was founded on 20 May 1931 in a ceremony presided over by the Special Commissioner of Rotary International, James H Roth (member of the RC Ventura - CA) at the Casino Maranhense at 8.00 am.

With the significant number of 28 members, Maranhao's original Rotary club came into being. The names of the founding members were: Agnello Costa, Alberto da Silva Tavares, Arthur Koblitz, Carlos Soares de Oliveira Neves, Crepory Franco, Edison Brandão, Emilio Tinoco, Filogônio Lisbon, Franklin Machado de Abreu, Franklin Viégas, Gilberto Costa, Mr. Gosman , Jayme Tavares, Jesus Norberto Gomes, Jose A. Rodrigues, Jose Alexandre de Oliveira, Jose Fernandes Cavalcanti, Jose Fernandes dos Santos, José Gonçalves Pereira, Jose Mariano Travassos, Jose Nava Rodrigues, Jose Rodrigues Machado Cavalcanti, Luis Eduardo Pires, Manoel A. Coelho de Souza, Manoel Mathias das Neves son, William Clay Theodoro, and Wilson Coelho de Souza Soares.

The first board was comprised of : President Wilson Coelho de Souza; Vice-President Gilberto Costa;
Secretary Filogônio Lisbon; Treasurer Luis Eduardo Pires;
Director of Protocol Jose Mariano Travassos; and Director without Portfolio Carlos Soares de Oliveira Neves.

The impact in the local press on the formation of the Rotary Club of San Luis was encouraging. The newspaper "La Tribune" in its edition of May 20, 1931, reported details of the foundation ceremony of the new club. This is the introduction to the report: "Yesterday, at 11.30 hours, held a meeting under the chairmanship of Mr. James Roth, the founder members of the Rotary Club of San Luis, in Maranhao Hotel, to hold the Board and installation final of the noble and altruistic association. "

On 22 May 2006, the House of the Municipal Council of St. Luis by the councilman Gutemberg de Araujo (PSDB), honored the Rotary Club's 75th anniversary. On behalf of the House was also handed a diploma of merit to honor the club's president, Rogerio Paulo Sousa Azevedo, for services to the community.

acknowledgement to  the Board and members of the Rotary Club of San Luis and the Municipal Council of St Luis

3). The Rotary Club of Joinville - on October 25, 1934, after a long journey for a bumpy and difficult road, a group of Rotarians from the city of Curitiba led by Mr. James Roth, representative of Rotary International for the founding of clubs in Brazil and composed by the members Clothário Portugal, President of Rotary Club of Curitiba; Edgard A Amaral; Hermano Franco Machado; JA Martins Gomes; FA Johncher; and Carlos Stellfeld, reached the city of Joinville and was welcomed by a group of Joinville leaders at Hotel Palace.

At 20.30 hours the following day, October 26, 1934, the Prince Street, the founding meeting of the club took place in Rua do Príncipe with about 27 founding members, all representing the commercial and industrial activities, and the professions.

The following are the founding members of the Rotary Club of Joinville:
Albrecht Engels - President;   Arnaldo Douat - Member;   Carlos Willy Boehm;   David Ernesto de Oliveira;
Divico E Scheidegger;   Eduardo A Gonçalves - Member;    Fritz Gassenferth;   Guilherme Urban;
Hans Jordan - Vice President;    Henry Meyer;   Horacio de Oliveira - Secretary;   Joaquim Wolff;
George Keller;   Jose Gomes de Oliveira;   Leopoldo S Murgel;   Marinho de Souza Lobo - Director of Protocol;
Max Keller;   Norberto Bachmann;   Osvaldo Altino Doria;   Otto Gerken;   Otto Schlemm;   Otto Urban
Rodolpho Olsen;   Sergio Vieira;   Silvio Bertolotto - Treasurer;   Theodoro Stein;   Werner Metz

On 8 December 1999, a party was held to launch honours in celebration of its 65 years since formation, with party on the Thursday night. It brought together about 100 people and was conducted in at the Athletics Association Bank of Brazil (AABB). The district governor of Rotary International, Rolf Hermann Botho also attended the launching of the honours with Hans Jordan. His speech aimed to further enhance the partnership between all Rotarians and to follow the examples of the first leaders of the local Rotary Club. The daughter of Hans Jordan, Rotraud de Oliveira, was honored during the ceremony. The Rotary Club of Joinville is the oldest in the State of Santa Catarina. It was founded on October 26, 1934, at the headquarters of the Club, under the direction of James H. Roth, at the time the Special Representative of Rotary International. As Ruy Cardozo, District Governor of Rotary International between 1992 and 1993 said, "the first meeting of the Club occurred on November 4, 1934, under the command of Albrecht Engels, with the presence of special representative James Roth and the chairman of the Rotary Club of Curitiba (sponsor of the Joinville), Clotário Macedo de Portugal, and accompanied by other members. This meeting is called inaugural meeting. " The weekly meetings would be on Mondays, from 19.15 to 20.30, in the small hall of Harmony Society-Lyra.

To earn the honours district Hans Jordan, reminded those present that they must endeavour to increase the social framework, forming at least one Paul Harris Fellow, participate in the conference and attend the training of elected committees. In addition, the club still must follow the Four Way Test and undertake an ecological project, a project on ethics or a community work.

This report was copied and edited from a Google translation of an article written by Marlise Groth and published on the internet by "ANCidade".

4). The Rotary Club of Santa Maria

On 18 December 1934, meeting under the chairmanship of James Roth, in the halls of the Commercial Club of this city, concluded with the following founding members -

João de Moraes Fiori,  Reynaldo Weissheimer,  Balduino Brenner,  Carlos Lang,  Dr. Amaury Lenz,  Dr. Augusto Menna Barreto,  Miguel C. de Macedo,   Penna Celso de Moraes,  Alcides Machado Valle,  Vincent Gomes,  Luiz Curcio,  John Pereyron,  Dr. Walter Jobim,  Dr. John Appel Lenz,  Dr. Lamartine Souza,  Dr. Xavier Antonio da Rocha,  Achylles Gomes de Oliveira,  Nelson Loureiro, and  Dr. Luiz Augusto Ribas Bollick and the Rotary Club of Santa Maria officially came into existance.

Dr. James H. Roth, representative of Rotary International conducted the standard reading of the statutes and rules of Rotary International. As a result, the following amendments were resolved:
The Rotary Club of Santa Maria will have limits as the council of Santa Maria.
The Board shall consist of seven members: President, Vice President, First Secretary, Second Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Protocol and Sergeant at Arms.
Meetings of the Club will be each Wednesday, with a meal in the lounge of the Commercial Club, starting with at 12 midday.
The Annual General Meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of April each year.
The jewel is seventy one thousand monthly and kings of fifteen thousand kings.
To operate the Board are needed at least five members and for admission of new partner are needed at least four votes.
It was resolved that the inaugural meeting of the Club shall be held on 21st of the current month, at 12 noon in the halls of the Commercial Club.
Finally it was proposed that Dr. James H. Roth should supervise the election of the First Board. The election was secret, and found the following result:
President: Dr. WalterJobim;   Vice President: John de Moraes Fiori;   1st   Secretary: G. Achylles de Oliveira;
2nd  Secretary: Carlos Lang;   Treasurer: Baudouin Brenner;   Director of Protocol: Dr. Xavier Antonio da Rocha;
Sergeant at Arms: John Pereyron

Since Carlos Lang declined to honour the choice of name for its second secretary, was invited Dr. John Appel Lenz, who accepted the burden.
Nothing more to deal with, Dr. James H.Roth thanked the presence of all hopes for prosperity of the new Club and has closed the session upon which he approved this record and instructed the President and the 2nd Secretary to sign the minutes on behalf of all founding members.

The Rotary Club of Santa Maria was admitted to Rotary International on 01 February 1935.

acknowledgement to the webmaster and members of the Rotary Club of Santa Maria.



Researched and posted by RGHF Senior Global Webmaster, Greg Barlow, Malaysia 16 August 2008

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