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7). Rotary Club of Londrina

The Rotary Club of Londrina was formed on 7 November 1940.

The Rotary Club of Londrina, founded in November 7, 1940, has celebrated its years of foundation and has in its midst, Rotarian founder the pastoralist Ruy Cunha, eye witness to the history of the club. The influence of club life in the city is so striking that it is difficult to say what he, his associates and their wives, have not made to improve the lives of Londrinas, in his office files and documents that tell the story of the city of Londrina. Imagine the work of the founders, the joints, the many visits and calls, the amount of refusal, the crumpled mud, dust in the eyes, saliva spent, the spirit when accepted and participate dismay when no one heard. If today is difficult to explain the philosophy of Rotary, it was certainly much more difficult in 1940. They should ask, what does this foreigner causing trouble for us, we have more important things to do, now this. But the gringo and representative of Rotary International, James H Roth had won after a meeting at the residence of Dr. Willie  Brabazon  da  Fonseca Davids in the middle of the second world war, on November 7, 1940, was born the Rotary Club of Londrina, with the club's godfather being the Rotary Club of Cambara.  The meeting held to form the club took place in one of the rooms of the Commercial Association of Londrina, kindly provided by its chairman, David Dequech.

Its founders were men of Londrina society who at the time fought for the development of the city and saw the creation of Rotary, plus a factor of progress and launching a tool to serve a nation that needed everything.

Among the founders were Bonifacio and Jose Silva, Jose Rocha Oliveira, Leopoldo Newton House, Anísio Figueiredo, David Decquech, Milton Ribeiro de Meneses, Ulysses Medeiros, Percy Cecil Crewe, John Baptist Gurgel Pismel, Luiz Estrella, Ian Fraser, Herminio Victorelli, Edgard Paes de Mello, Carlos Aldigueri, Antonio Camargo Correa Ferraz, Nestor Guimaraes, Simon Rocha Chueiri, Gabriel Martins Carneiro, Neman SahÃo, Edesio Correia Steps and Ruy Cunha.

Achievements of the club, its members and wives were so influential in the life of the city that it is difficult to untie the older works, the performance of those remarkable gentlemen and ladies.  Among them are: The Santa Casa, work of Jose Bonifacio; the Aeroclube; Anísio work of Figueiredo; the Commercial Association; working from David Dequech, the Association of Amparo the Bottom of Londrina which was the joint work of Jose Bonifacio, Almeida Junior , Aristides de Souza Mello, Ruy Cunha, Harry Prochet, Edivino Andrade Noronha and Benedict Ferraz Pacheco; the Lake Igapó and Concha Acoustics, work of Antonio Fernandes Sobrinho; the Country Club work of Aristides de Souza Mello; the Home School Rotary (Ilece ) and Creche Haydée Colli Monteiro, ladies work of the Association of Rotarians ladies of the Model Law Office, work of Ruy Cunha and more.

The Club has been responsible for the creation of 13 additional Rotary Clubs in the area.

Among the body of members of the Rotary Club of Londrina, we have in our history: mayors, councillors, principals, state and federal parliamentarians, Secretaries of State, officials of senior echelons of government, men of achievements that are part of the city's history, and Today many streets, schools, health posts and hospitals with their names, spread by the four corners of the city.

Within Rotary International, this club, provided Governors of nine districts, who are the links between clubs and Rotary International.

Acknowledgements to Rotary Club of Londrina

In the city of Joao Pessoa some local leaders, encouraged by the companions of the Rotary Club of Recife, met to establish the Rotary Club of Joao Pessoa, the fourth of Rotary club being founded in the northeast and 16 of the Brazilian club.

Replicate now the full content of the minutes of foundation:


"At twelve and a half hours from four days of February anno one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three, meeting the honourable James Roth, Diógenes Caldas, Casemiro of Costa Montenegro, Jose Regis Cavalcanti, Alvaro Correia de Oliveira, Joao Mauricio de Medeiros, Eudes Barros, Dorgival Mororó, Nestor de Figueiredo, Waldemar Milk, Hortêncio Ribeiro, Gilbert Di Lascio, Cicero Francisco de Mello Filho, Oswaldo person, Horacio de Almeida, Julio Rique, John Vasconcellos, Pedro Baptista, Jose de Borja Pilgrim and Matheus de Oliveira, a lunch at Hotel Parahyba chaired by Mr. James Roth, Commissioner of Rotary International has begun the work of the foundation of the Rotary Club of Joao Pessoa, and approved the Statutes and Internal Regulations, after the discussion of them, during which Mr. Gilbert Di Lascio submitted an amendment on the part concerning the election of members, as follows: It is resolved that the first election of candidates for admission to a vote suspending the trial for the next meeting, which still has only one vote against the candidate against, I say, the candidate will be acceito, but if the candidate in the first and second escrutineo get two votes to be considered definitively rejected. The amendment put into discussion and then to vote, was approved unanimente. Then stand up to Mr. Borja Pilgrim acclamasse propose that if the Council Director and submitted the names of Casemiro of Costa Montenegro, for President; Celso Mariz, to Vice-President; Matheus de Oliveira, for secretary; Waldemar Milk, for Thesoureiro, and Gilbert Di Lascio, for vowel, and applausos and received the general acceitação of the founders of the Rotary Club of Joao Pessoa. After stand up Mr. James Roth, who delivered a brilliant allocução auspicious event of congratulations on the founding of the new club, expressing itself in high concepts and indoctrination on the rotarismo. Matheus de Oliveira The Secretary then read the telegram that he had been led by President of Rotary of Recife, that inability to attend aquella foundation sent congratulations to the companions of Joao Pessoa. Fallou then Casemiro Monteiro to thank his election, making the same Waldemar Milk. Then the President of the Commission envisaged Action Rotária Diógenes Caldas, in a speech full of fair and balanced comments made deserved praise for the effort and dedication to the Commissioner James Roth, with enthusiasticos applausos of all members of the Rotary Club of Joao Pessoa. Falou Gilbert still Di Lascio the cooperation which had the Organizing Committee for the new club in the person of Lauro Borba, who, proposed, if telegraphasse expressing our feelings of camaraderie and highest recognition for services rendered here. And, as nothing else had to deal , Have to work on the foundation, and to be lavrei this record, which vae assignada by Commissioner James Roth, members of the Rotary Club and me secretary, wrote that. "

The then Governor of District 72 was Carlos Buschmann from the Rotary Club of Petropolis, reported in its Charter Monthly the following message: "Immensa is my pleasure to be able to report that February 4 is founded, and Joao Pessoa (Parahyba) a new club that gathers up the 12.30 hours at Hotel Parahyba, every Saturday."

 The Rotary Club of Joao Pessoa was admitted to Rotary International on March 27, 1933

Acknowledgement to the Rotary Club of John Person and Google translation services

9). The Rotary Club of Pocos de Caldas

The Rotary Club of Poços de Caldas was founded on February 23, 1934, as a result of the desire of a small number of people keen to provide humanitarian and educational services, aimed at improving life in the city and supporting the national and international interests through contacts with Rotarians of other clubs.

The company Caldense-Wells, for some time, maintained contact with members of the of Rotary Club of Rio de Janeiro, such as Rodrigo Octavio Son, Nascimento Brito and the representative of Rotary International for South America James Roth.

Roth had been scheduled to attend a meeting in Poços de Caldas, to be attended by Dr. Assisi Figueiredo, Dr. Oscavo de Faria Lobato, Joao Moreira Salles, Dr. Souza Lima, Dr. Aristides de Mello e Souza, Marçal Santos, Dr. Pedro Alfonso Junqueira and Leng Joao Lopes Ribeiro of the Rotary Club of Rio de Janeiro.

That meeting resulted in the formation of the 1st Rotary Club of our city.  The Club worked for some years although for reasons we can not establish, there was very little progress until the end of 1935. But remnants of the founding committee met again in the Pálace Hotel, on January 13, 1936, and was chaired by Leng.

James Roth spoke of the reasons why Rotary International would not allow more than one Rotary Club, convincing those present of the great advantages not only for the life of society, but also for each of its members.

After approval, the first board was elected for the 1936year :- President - Dr. Jose de Souza Lima; Vice-President - Dr. Aristides de Mello e Souza; Secretary - Vinicius Vivas; Treasurer - Cássio Amarante Junqueira; Director of Protocol - Dr. Walter Moreira Salles and Sergeant at Arms Clodoveu Dr. Davis and Dr. Paulo de Morais Garden.

Since then, the club functioned efficiently holding its first ordinary meeting on 15 January 1936 in the Hotel Loyalty.

The Rotary Club of Poços de Caldas hosted the first National Conference of Rotary Clubs in Brazil.
During this period, it has conducted many satisfying community service projects; hosted four new clubs;
Founded the "Ladies of Rotarianos", the first in Brazil, inspired by the personal influence of presitente of Rotary International, Armando Arruda Pereira, in 1939.
Monument to the flag of Parque da Fonte Luminosa. School Rotary. A series of other activities related to promote community well-caldense in social, humanitarian and educational.
The club stands out in 4560 by district Tuesday, as part associations, two Governors:- Rowilson Flora in 1955/56, and José de Alencar Silva and 1987/88.

Acknowledgement to the Rotary Club of Pocos de Caldas and Google translation services



Researched and posted by RGHF Senior Global Webmaster, Greg Barlow, Malaysia 16 August 2008

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