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24). Rotary Club of Franca.

In the 30's, Rotary International appointed one of its most active officials, Mr James (Jim) Roth, to spread the ideas preached by its founder Paul P. Harris, in Brazil, aiming at the creation of new clubs in this country, which had already commenced in 1922 with the founding of the RC of Rio de Janeiro.

James Roth, who liked to be called only by Jim Roth, came to Franca and met with a group of Francan citizens and businessmen explaining the benefits, purposes, objectives and ethics of Rotary, arousing keen interest in the city.

On March 10, 1935, Roth chaired the General Assembly of the Rotary Club’s foundation, on the rua do Comercio, 1482.

James Roth - representative of RI
Americo Maciel de Castro Junior - doctor
Arnulfo de Lima - the Department of Records
Jeronimo Barbosa Sandoval - farmer
Odorico Barbosa - farmer
Antonio Petraglia - medico
Carlos Signorelli - medico
Jose Junqueira Vilela - lawyer
Clovis Ribeiro Vieira - pharmacist
Leopoldo Murgel - manager of the Bank of Brazil
George Evremoff - trader
Romeu Amaral - lawyer
Antonio Ricardo Pinho - medico
R. Fontes Lima - medico
Afonso Infante Vieira Filho - lawyer
Arias de Almeida - trader
Serafim Borges's do Val - trader
Arisqui Bruxelas - trader

 Thus, on March 10, 1935, was founded the Rotary Club of Franca, recorded in RI under number 3789. The constituent letter was delivered to our club meeting on the day 04 August 1935 (today our club has the number 8084).

 The first Board of Directors had as President Dr. Carlos Signorelli and as Secretary Dr. Antonio Petraglia.

 The Rotary Club of France was admitted to Rotary International on April 10, 1935.

25). The Rotary Club of Jaboticabal

The following note was published in the Official "morning paper", edition of 9 February 1935.
 “Jaboticabal hosts, since yesterday afternoon, the Companion James H. Roth, representative of Rotary International of Chicago, United States, one of the biggest highlight of that emeritus organization.”
 Hospitality in the Hotel Hall, having had flattering words about Jaboticabal where he has found another core for Rotary International, he took accommodation for several days here. Within one week, James H. Roth chaired the first meeting of Jaboticabalense Rotarians.

Note published in the Official "Folha da Manha."
 “It was founded in this city, the Rotary Club of Jaboticabal, and formed its first board. Thus, to be commemorated that was founded last Sunday, days February 10, 1935, at Hotel Hall this city a great lunch of the fraternity (Ed), which attended all founding members of that club, many of them accompanied by their wives.
  The act was initially chaired by partner James H. Roth, representative of Rotary International, which after a brilliant speech, ceded his place to partner Pedro Doria, 1st President of Rotary Club of Jaboticabal.”

 It is archived that Waldemar Light, President of Rotary Club of Araraquara; Osmar Bittencourt, from the same; Sebastiao Sampaio, the Rotary Club of Campinas; and Rafael Pirajá, the Rotary Club of Ribeirao Preto; attended the meeting.

   The following were the founding members of the Club:-
Alberto de Oliveira Lima;  Antonio Arrobas Martins;  Augusto Tonanni;  Aurélio Cardoso;   Autharis Ferraz Nogueira;  Basílio Pinto Ferreira;  Carino Alberto do Espírito Santo; Carlos Caio Gigliotti; Domingos Antonelli;Francisco Arre; Francisco Flores da Cunha; Hilário Tavares Pinheiro; João Gaglianoni; José Faria Mendes; José Lerro; José Rodrigues Duarte; Mário de Assis Moura; Mário Lacerda Soares; Pedro Dória; Renato Stuart; Sylvio Ribeiro Junior; Vicente Checchia; and Waldemar da Rocha Barros.
    The first board was well established:
President - Pedro Dória;  Vice President - Vicente Checchia;
1 st Secretary - Renato Stuart;  2 nd Secretary Carlos Caio Gigliotti;
Treasurer - Tavares Pinheiro Hilário;  Director of Protocol - Carino Alberto do Espirito Santo;  Member Joseph Faria Mendes.

The Rotary Club of Jaboticabal was admitted to Rotary International on 07 March 1935.

26). Rotary Club of Bahai.

The idea to establish a Rotary Club in Bahia was not new. Luiz Salazar, the Rotary Club of Recife, matched up with their friends in Bahia and insisted the foundation of the Club. Carlos da Silva Araujo, the Rotary Club of Rio de Janeiro wrote to Raul Schmidt on the same subject. Arrojado Lisbon, also of the Rotary Club of Rio de Janeiro, invited Aristides de Novais to meet in his office some people, among them Arthur Fraga and Pamphili de Carvalho for an exchange of ideas. But only in February 1933, Jim Roth, and sought Jayme Tavares, former Rotarian of the Club of San Luiz do Maranhao, for the selection of founders, began arrangements for the foundation of the Club.

     The first preparatory meeting took place in the office of the lawyer and law professor, Dr. John Marques dos Reis, located on Rua Conselheiro Saraiva, no. 22, 1st. Floor.

Joining with Jim Roth were seven prospective founding members who deliberated on who to invite representing the various activities, and in readiness for a larger meeting in the “Euterpe Club” at Vitoria No 397, in the evening of 7th September. Two meetings were held there, the first, on 18, the other, three days after, on February 21, 1933, when it carried out the installation of the Club. They were chaired by Jim Roth. The Statute and the Rules of Procedure read by Tosta Filho are modified to adapt to "local conditions and peculiarities." The fees were determined at fifty réis and the first tutorial meeting set for December.

     There was great controversy about the name of the new club, whether "Salvador" or "Bahia", until eventually decided the latter would prevail, as stated in the minutes of installation until "other important cities of the state, for example, Itabuna, Alagoinhas, Jequié, Santo Amaro and Feira de Santana, could so forth, also organize their clubs" without restrictions on their names.

     But the first official meeting, at lunch, took place at 12 hr 30 min on February 23 at the Hotel South. The 27 founding members were appointed, marked here in alphabetical order, with their rankings:

Viriato Bittencourt - Milk Finance
Aloysio de Carvalho Filho - University Education
Anísio Massora - Light and Power Production
Antonio Garcia de Medeiros Netto - Commercial Law
Arthur Rodrigues de Moraes - Water Services
Augusto Marques Valente - Cotton Fabrics
Bernardino Madureira de Pinho - Criminal Law
César Sampaio Bittencourt - Footwear Manufacture
Edgard Bensabath - Capital Finance
Eduardo Rodrigues de Moraes - Medicine
Epiphano José de Souza - Tobacco
George B Dillingham - Telephone Communications
Ignácio Tosta Filho - Cocoa Finance
Jayme Reis - Life Insurance
Jayme Tavares - Department of Irrigation
João Marques dos Reis - Civil Law
João Montenegro - Fruit Cultivation
Joaquim Ruiz de Gamboa - Port Services
José Manso Cabral - Construction
José Vita - Gas Production
Manoel Cintra Monteiro - Hardware
Manoel Pedreiras - Land Transportation
Mário Ferreira Barbosa - Government Statistics
Martagão Gesteira - Medicine Pediatrics
Oswaldo Silva - Maritime Transport
Pamphilo de Carvalho - Insurance Property & Fire
Raul Schmidt - Chemical Industry Drugs
Viriato Bittencourt Leite - Commercial Bank

The Rotary Club of Bahia was admitted to Rotary International on March 27, 1933.


Acknowledgements to various District Boards, Clubs, members, Webmasters and authors of Rotary and independent articles.
Researched and posted by RGHF Senior Global Webmaster, Greg Barlow, Malaysia 16 August 2008

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