Yvonne Bond - Club: Bulawayo Rotary Club, Country: Zimbabwe, Joined
: 1996, Positions: Club President 2002/03, Assistant Governor
2004/05, District Administrator 2005/06, Director RGHF 2002 -
It was Maureen's inquiry, on
27 January 2002, that
began our search for the history of Jean Thomson Harris.
record all the events/ happenings of this important
organisation. Being able to know how Rotary began and
how and why we are where we are today. I so admire the
dedication of the people who have began this huge task
of documenting the 1000's of stories, people who are
involved and highlighting what still needs to be done.
Through this I am making so many friends with Rotarians
throughout the world who share this same passion for
history and wanting to extend this knowledge to my
fellow Rotarians . In Africa at the moment, we are so
consumed with trying to get round all the difficulties
we face daily and make ' plan B ' in case of any war or
exile, this is a great way , for me personally, of
beating the stress and coming into focus again with
everyday life and the outside world." MYB