Peace cannot be achieved through violence; it can only be attained through understanding. Ralph Waldo Emerson

"And when I attempted suicide and I didn't succeed, I knew for the first time unconditional love—which God is. God is unconditional love. You are totally loved, totally accepted, just the way you are. In that moment I was not allowed to die, and something happened to me which is very difficult to explain. I had an eternal moment of truth, in which I knew I was loved, and knew I was here for a purpose." —Jill Jackson Miller, author of "Let There be Peace on Earth," describing events in her early life that developed her unique philosophy of Peace. 

www.rghfpeacejourney.org Peace Journey Introduction - System for Peace? & Comments  Notes from the Wilderness  Thank you for your comments

"The project is huge. I am in awe of its magnitude, and realize that it truly has a chance to reach people all over the world. I just hope that it can reach some who are not already thinking in the peace mode. As I travel, I shall surely think of the Peace Journey, and I hope that I can in some way further its purpose."


Sarah Carson, photographer and world traveler with her husband and friends. She has shown her photographs in many international and American art galleries. I was introduced to her when I directed an art museum in Waco, Texas by another photographer that I respected his work and his judgment. A one person exhibition followed of his work that showed the simple detail and majesty of travel in one foreign country. In her copy of the newest book about her visions on her travels, Montestigliano: A Tuscan Farm, she wrote: ” I have always appreciated your encouragement and ideas. Ciao, Ciao.” It is important that the photographer find the details that is the essence of a life experience which can be shared through images to the world. One carries peace in your heart when seeing is your profession.

Some moments in time have American patriotism at its best- certainly, Pearl Harbor was one; Eisenhower’s unbelievable broadcast on D-Day, when he told us that thousands of lives would be lost in that final effort to eradicate Nazism; and then 9/11. In this instance tolerance has no place and Americans rose to the occasion and patriotism was overwhelmingly evident everywhere you looked.

Bernard Rapoport is a human being who reaches out his hand, his heart and his funds to help the world toward understanding and peace. He has also been a close friend for over 20 years, sitting in his office or a lunch discussing “How do we solve....?” In the Peace Journey, he has been an important fellow traveler. I remember his wise advice: “When you win all the marbles, give some back, or you have no one to play with tomorrow!” Click here for a speech that he gave to the Business School of the University of Texas, February 22, 2002.


I watched it for a few minutes and WOW. It is amazing !  It is awesome ! A CompuTech Tapestry Alive !! As if thousands of Digital Games are being played in it simultaneously and automatically !!!.

I felt as if I were watching 4th July fireworks sheer extravaganza from top of the 44-storey PPG Inc Building. It is an eye-opener. Beautiful digital portrayal of How Computer Works.

It is necessary that sometimes we get sneak peeks and peep below  the surface to see other incredible worlds like Joe has shown us in the Ming Scrolls.

Bless you all.

Raj Bedi, RGHF Vice Chairman 2006-2007

"Jazz is a music of freedom. Quite recently an American film was released about a famous Cuban jazz musician, Arturo Sandovari, in which it is shown how stealthily he was listening to Dizzy Gillespie’s performance on the radio, and how his wife was warning him that it might be dangerous for their family. Here we can also remember Benny Goodman's visit to Georgia in the early 1960's, which has completely changed the thinking of many representatives of young generation of that time."

Ketevan Kinsurashvili, art historian, Republic of Georgian State University of Theatre and Film, Tbilisi, Georgia full article...

"I am reflecting very much these days about how chado, the Japanese Way of Tea, can actually play its part in promoting and supporting harmony, understanding and world peace. Because more than ever, this is what is needed most now, or as Dr. Sen XV, the past Grand Master, said: “Peace through a bowl of tea”.

Chado: The Way of Tea as a Practical Buddhist Path Towards Peace


Rev. Ryofu Pussel

Soto-Zen-Buddhism, Japan (fully licensed monk/priest)

Urasenke Chado, Junkyoju (“Assistant professor” of the Urasenke School of the Way of Tea, Kyoto, Japan)

"Life never has moved smoothly. Cataclysm after cataclysm has marked progress in human affairs, but the significant fact remains that progress actually is being made though it is difficult to see it during such turbulent times. When the river of life seems to be running most smoothly, thunderous cataracts may be heard pounding below if one has ears to hear them; but the courses of great rivers are subject to the control of men when the thoughts of men turn in that direction. Even so, the current of international affairs will be subject to the control of men when men become wise enough and earnest enough and courageous enough to control it. To live in peace one with another is the greatest problem which the Creator has ever left man to solve."

Paul P. Harris, speaking at the Rotary International Convention, Denver, Colorado, USA in June 1941

"As a Rotarian for over 35 years (the last 19 with perfect attendance), a little less than half my age, you would think after years of travel on World Campus Afloat, Fulbright grants to Taiwan, Republic of Georgia (2) and Mongolia, your point of view of the world would have been fixed long ago."

View From the Stars: A Rotarian’s Parallax Vision


Joe Kagle, Rotary eClub of the Southwest, USA

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