www.rghfpeacejourney.org Peace Journey Introduction - System for Peace? & Comments  Notes from the Wilderness

  • Fulbright Alumni Association creates link to RGHF Peace Journey (creator Joe Kagle is a member of the alumni.)
    • Below is link (contained on their website) to an essay by American Fulbright alumnus Joe Kagle titled "Peace Journey." Joe Kagle is a Fine Arts Professor at Kingwood College and a Rotary Global History Peace Historian. Joe Kagle created "Peace Journey," taking a beloved Ming Dynasty hand scroll which Joe has owed for 33 years and using it as a vehicle to discuss peace, fellowship, and freedom. This thought provoking essay is an example of "freedom in literature," taking an art history subject (work of art) and using it for peace, understanding, and freedom.
  • Bernard Rapoport, innovative businessman from Texas and the subject of the book, Capitalist With A Conscience, creator of the Bernard and Audre Rapoport Foundation and friend of presidents, statesmen and world leaders. 

    • “Today more than ever it seems folly to talk about peace, but undisputedly we cannot survive without it. For over fifteen years Joe Kagle and I have been friends, meeting once a month to discuss the world and strategies to find peace in self, different cultures and this struggling globe. This Peace Journey is an important start to finding peace on those three levels. We can’t give up and Kagle’s work gives us a glimmer of reasons why we can be more positive about our future. I strongly recommend reading, studying and contributing your ideas to this effort. The Peace Journey is just a beginning to a longer and more ambitious journey toward peace.”

  • Rev. Ryofu Pussel, a licensed monk/priest, Soto-Zen-Buddhism, of the Urasenke School of the Way of Tea, Kyoto, Japan. Leading member of Rotary eClub of the Southwest, USA.

    • “I am reflecting very much these days about how chado, the Japanese Way of Tea, can actually play its part in promoting and supporting harmony, understanding and world peace. …an understanding and practice of the Way of Tea leads to harmony and oneness of people and nature, which could work as an antidote to us being alienated from ourselves and from nature and to moral degeneration resulting in the destruction of our nonrenewable, natural resources and indeed of our whole world; this could also result in us living peacefully in this world without harming it and ourselves, thus supporting the development of harmonyxe "harmony" and world peacexe "world peace".” “I strongly recommend the Peace Journey in its efforts to explore, find and give an avenue for discussion in the search for peace.”

  • Dr. Maka Dvalishvili,  PhD in art history, major figure in arts management and supporter of emerging contemporary arts in the Caucasus, restoration of Republic of Georgian national treasures, creator and present Director of the Georgian Arts and Cultural Center.

    • "I have lived through a peaceful change of Government in Georgia, our Rose Revolution, and as Director of the Georgian Arts and Culture Center, I know the power of Art and Creativity to begin the process of changes in an ancient nation like ours. The one thing that all Georgians want is peace and prosperity (these two seem to go together). I am a fan of Joe Kagle's writing and strongly support this Peace Journey. Peace and Love are the influences that come from Joe Kagle's personality and his Peace Journey".

  • Robert Wilson, dramatist, director (theater and opera), visual artist, architect, curator, designer and a leading creative genius over many continents in the late 20th and 21st century.

    • “Peace Journey Journey Peace Peace Journey Journey Peace Peace Journey Journey Peace Peace Journey Journey Peace Peace Journey Journey Peace Peace Journey Journey Peace Peace Journey Journey Peace Peace Journey Journey Peace Peace Journey Journey Peace Peace Journey Journey Peace Peace Journey Journey Peace Peace Journey Journey Peace Peace Journey Journey Peace Peace Journey Journey Peace”

  • Ketevan Kintsurashvili, leading art historian, professor and lecturer in the Caucasus, Georgian State University of Theatre and Film, Tbilisi, whose book: "David Kakabadze, A 20th Century Classic," St. Petersburg, 2002 (now only in Russian, will be coming out soon in English).
    • "I come upon this project as a friend and art historian, as well as a peace fighter. What Peace gives to the human being is freedom and freedom means responsibility for the world. What the world gives to the individual returns back to the whole world. Artistic creation is never possible without inner peace for the artist and cultural peace for his or her nation. Peace is like a rare, successful painting; it moves you to change but it gives no answers to what causes that change. I enjoyed my voyage through the Peace Journey and recommend it to any serious mind in the 21st century."
  • Dr. Ken Brashier, professor, international lecturer and speaker, from Reed College in Oregon, USA, who, with his students, has created a website on Buddhist Hell

    • “I’ve been looking at your hand scroll on line, and there’s so much I could say about it, but I’ve probably bored you to death already with my ideas about peace. Buddhist Hell is easier to understand compared to finding a path to Peace.” 

  • Robert Greenwood, Artistic and Managing Director, Sun.Ergos, A Company of Theatre and Dance, Alberta, Canada

    • The emphasis Joe Kagle ( who has produced our work in Waco, Texas ) places on humanity and art through his Peace Journey by using a magnificent Ming Dynasty hand scroll to take himself and his friends in search of the tranquility, calm, dignity and the prosperity and generosity of stillness is highly to be recommended to peoples everywhere - and there is no more important time than now in the midst of the chaos of current egos and politics to take such a journey.”

  • Sarah Carson, photographer and world traveler with her husband and friends. She has shown her photographs in many international and American art galleries. I was introduced to her when I directed an art museum in Waco, Texas by another photographer that I respected his work and his judgment. A one person exhibition followed of his work that showed the simple detail and majesty of travel in one foreign country. In her copy of the newest book about her visions on her travels, Montestigliano: A Tuscan Farm, she wrote: "I have always appreciated your encouragement and ideas. Ciao, Ciao.” It is important that the photographer find the details that is the essence of a life experience which can be shared through images to the world. One carries peace in your heart when seeing is your profession.

    • "The project is huge. I am in awe of its magnitude, and realize that it truly has a chance to reach people all over the world. I just hope that it can reach some who are not already thinking in the peace mode. As I travel, I shall surely think of the Peace Journey, and I hope that I can in some way further its purpose."

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