The History of Rotary in Asia

Florence Hui, Macau, is the chair for RGHF's history in Asia (First few global clubs of all of Asia)

Jim Davidson goes to Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Palestine, Burma, and The Federated Malay States

From Wikipedia: Asia is the world's largest and most populous continent. It covers 8.6% of the Earth's total surface area (or 29.4% of its land area) and, with over 4 billion people, it contains more than 60% of the world's current human population. Chiefly in the eastern and northern hemispheres, Asia is traditionally defined as part of the landmass of Eurasia with the western portion of the latter occupied by Europe lying east of the Suez Canal, east of the Ural Mountains, and south of the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian and Black Seas.
It is bounded on the east by the Pacific Ocean, on the south by the Indian Ocean, and on the north by the Arctic Ocean. Given its size and diversity, Asia a toponym dating back to classical antiquity is more a cultural concept incorporating a number of regions and peoples than a homogeneous physical entity


Name of region or territory, based on United Nations data

Country name changes

The names of quite a few Asian countries have changed during the last century.

Previous Name Year  Current Name 
East Pakistan 1971 Bangladesh, People's Republic of
Kampuchea, Democratic 1975 Cambodia, Kingdom of
Portuguese Timor 1975 East Timor, Democratic Republic of
Dutch East Indies 1949 Indonesia, Republic of
Persian Empire 1935 Iran, Republic of
Transjordan 1946 Jordan, Kingdom of
Kirghizia (USSR) 1991 Kyrgyzstan, Republic
Malaya, Sabah, and Sarawak 1963 Malaysia
Burma 1989 Myanmar, Union of
Muscat 1971 Oman, Sultanate of
West Pakistan 1971 Pakistan, Republic of
Hejaz-Nejd, The Kingdom of 1932 Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of
Aden 1970 South Yemen, People's Republic of
Ceylon 1972 Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of
Formosa, Republic 1945 Taiwan
Tajik S.S.R 1991 Tajikistan, Republic of
Siam 1939 Thailand, Kingdom of
Ottoman Empire 1923 Turkey, Republic of
Turkmen SSR (USSR) 1991 Turkmenistan
Trucial Oman & Trucial States 1971 United Arab Emirates
French Indo-China 1949 Vietnam, Socialist Republic of
Yemen, People's Democratic & Southern Yemen 1970 Yemen, Republic of